
Why do people think bella from twilight is annoying?

by Guest64954  |  earlier

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just wondering what your opinion was because i just read the first book and now i am totally obsessed and a lot of people think she's annoying. I didn't get that vibe but maybe there's stuff i overlooked?




  1. Look, Bella's cool, we all lived through her vicariously when we read twilight, but I can see what people don't like about her.

    Whether you're Team E or J she caused both of them quite a bit of pain when she couldn't decide between them (do you want a puppy or a rabid sea creature for a child? jk.)

    Both of the guys try to keep her safe and she's like oh well there's a mercedes in front of my house so there must not be a vampie brutha in dare.

    Or with Edward, I demand to be in the center of a bunch of vampires that are intent on killing me, it'll be great, and it won't cause any extra work for anyone else.

    I love the book and I think some of her annoying tendencies only make it more interesting (like all the stuff I've listed).

  2. i see where the annoyance comes from coz Bella can be quite pathetic over things but personally i don't find her annoying. she could be a slightly better herion of a story tho. x

  3. Well, before I got hooked, I was annoyed at how weak she was, but then I saw that it had to be done to show the contrast between Bella and Edward from the very beginning.  

  4. I'm in love with the books too. i honestly don't think that bella is annoying. i love her character and what and what she brings to the story. how she is perfect for edward even though she isn't a vampire and  i can tell that she really does love him.(and the rest of the series is even better :D)

  5. well like its not that shes annoying, its just that she like does stupid stuff sometimes that makes her annoying i guess. but in the end shes fine :)

  6. i dont think shes totaly annoying but she can be at times by the way we should email eachother im obsessed to and i know where you can get good videos and stuff

  7. Okay, look. She is kind of annoying because she acts like: Oh my gosh, Edward, I love so much, and even if you raped me, I would still love you unconditionally and irrevocably.

    So, yeah.

    I prefer Seth.

  8. I really liked Bella. I think she was a little annoying at times, but she's a great character. I personally like her, even though women shouldn't be like her. She's not a good role model, but more like a good person. I think she's nice and sweet. She grew up a bit in Breaking Dawn, so it is all good :)

  9. Because she's a whiny, hypocritical, backstabbing, idiotic spineless jellyfish who can't stand on her own two feet (or should I say tentacles?) without a man holding her up. She's nauseatingly dependent on Edward. She has no confidence in herself. She won't stick up for herself. She complains about EVERYTHING. She blames everything on herself. She treats her friends horribly. She snubs people who try to get to know her. She's a damsel in distress and CONSTANTLY has that "woe-is-me" attitude.

    In simple words... she's a Mary Sue. She's weak. She's a terrible role model for the young, emotionally needy teenage girls who tend to read these books.

  10. i find bella immensely annoying, but not because of her indecision regarding edward and jacob.

    it's rather more because of her general spinelessness and lack of self-esteem. she lets edward control her like she's a puppet, and lives only for him.

    what happens when he leaves? she jumps off a cliff to hear his voice. i mean, seriously! i know it's supposed to be 'true love' and all, but their obsession with each other is something else. and when he comes back, sweet little bella accepts him right back again without a question.

    she's just walked all over, and it's an awful message for young girls who are already having self-esteem problems, then see bella and think 'oh, a handsome guy is going to come along and save me. no matter that he controls my every move, plays with my emotions, and thinks only he knows what's best for me. bella ended up happily ever after, so why can't i?'.

    s.m. tries to make bella seem intelligent- reading wuthering heights, however, does not erase her endless ruminations over edward's sexiness. seriously, she does not seem to have any other thoughts in her mind!

    it's so disappointing that in this day and age, a book that promotes being a passive, weak, abused female sells so well.


  11. Like ursled i was hooked on the series after i read the first one..idk i dont think shes annoying but some pple say that love doesnt happen like that in real life..also in the second book <i dont want to give anything away> she sees jacob alot....and sum pple think shes jumping from man to man ...

  12. Maybe they wish it was them!Just kidding, I think that a lot of women and girls find her annoying because she is kind of weak and doesn't really speak up for herself. The women of today don't like to think of being totally all about a man I guess. I think maybe most of all what annoys people about her is that she is supposedly average maybe even plain and she gets the really hot guy. I think that she is kinda selfish at times but that is about it.  

  13. for me, it's because she was constantly complaining and seemed bitter.

  14. She's a Mary Sue. Everything revolves around her, everyone practically loved her when she came in Forks, she gets the guy in the end, she whines most of the time, etc.

  15. Because she is. She's probably the most annoying character out of any book I've ever read.

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