
Why do people think car manufactures can make more efficient cars?

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I'm talking about people that think it is a conspiracy. I have a degree in Automotive Technology and I can tell you based on facts that their is no alternative that is as good as a gas or diesel powered car. I can also tell you that they have made amazing leaps in the technology in the last 30 years and no one seems to give them any credit for that. I'm all for the environment, I just think it makes people look dumb when they make blanket statements about oil companies preventing more efficient cars. If you want an efficient car buy a corolla or a Prius. They are available. Not everyone want to drive one so leave the rest of us alone and stop complaining about your car not getting good mileage if you bought an SUV.




  1. The only conspiracy of the car makers is the conspiracy to make cars that people want to buy.

    Sure, they could make 50 to 70 mpg cars.

    acceleration would be less than half what people demand...  top speed would be 50 mph.

    You want to be first in line to buy one?

  2. consider a 5 seater SUT highway capable, 200mile range, recharge in 10 minutes, 15+year battery life; quiet, smooth smell free, just a much more pleasent driving experience than infernal combustion; simpler to manufacture & recycle than complex ice; better torque; refuel at home or work. technically possible now.

    I want one, so wheres my high power electric car then?

    If a small car maker with 0 govmt funding, can provide them, why can't the big boys?

    Did your degree course cover such technology? or is it just part of the subsidy that goes to training people the big oil & car makers want, not what the country needs? (& yes I have an engineering degree too)

    But I guess it would be supprising if they told you that in 10 years most of the ice education you have just paid them for will be scrap because it is based on a finite supply subject to increasing global demand, ie hubbards peak oil; and there are far superior technologies you could have trained in.

  3. because every other developed country in the world has higher fuel efficency standards than us.  Its fact that american cars can not be sold in europe and china because our fuel efficiencies are too low.  ITS B.S.!!!!!  why do we need the huge suburban like vehicles?  very few people NEED them. Most can get by with a sedan

  4. I agree. It is ludicrous to think that the manufacturers could keep any new invention from the hands of all the entities that would gladly market it and make billions.

    manufacturers will make what the buyer wants as long as it is possible.

  5. There is none. If there were the Japanese would be so far ahead of us in sales that the big 3 would be out of business. I think since WW 2 they were going to destroy us in technology since they know that can't beat us militarily.

  6. Make a law and it will happen.


  7. There are continuous improvements in designing engines.  But, because the gas mileage standards did not rise, all the improvements have been used to make heavier cars with more power.

    Now we face a dubious supply of imported oil, under the control of many countries that don't like us, and that may well be funding terrorists.  And global warming threatens us with huge economic losses, dealing with its' effects.  Burning excessive gas in cars to get people and cargo from A to B is now a really bad idea.

    The time has come for improved technology to focus on fuel efficiency.  Since the car manufacturers won't do it voluntarily it has to be a law.

    The manufacturers aren't a conspiracy.  But they can make more efficient cars.

  8. Silly boy.  You answered your own question: "they have made amazing leaps in the technology in the last 30 years and no one seems to give them any credit for that"

    Why do I think they can make cars more efficient?  

    Because they can replace manual and automatic shift type transmissions with CVTs which don't waste power shifting and take the engine up to its most efficient operating speed as quickly as possible and keep it there until less power is called for.

    Because in a multi-cylinder 4 stroke engine they can create a tuned exhaust which uses the vacuum created by the exhaust flow from one cylinder to help draw more air into another cylinder for a a cleaner, "more efficient" burn.  

    Because most of the losses in a car are through friction in the drivetrain, so wheel mounted motors (even four miniature Wankel engines) are more efficient than an engine, transmission, driveshaft, etc.

    Because most cars on the road push a wall of air in front of them that weighs more than the car does.

    Because the engine is wasting gas if the car isn't moving so it should automatically turn itself off after 3 minutes if the car is in neutral or park.  Heaters and AC should run off a battery.

    Because a 2+2 car ... ISN'T!

    Because because because ... there are plenty of ways to make cars more efficient.  A car is a transportation tool.  The average car has 4 seats and 1.2 occupants.  If it is not moving and filled to capacity, then it is not operating at its peak efficiency as a transportation tool.

    I figured they would have taught you this stuff already.  Blanket statements cut both ways you know.

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