
Why do people think cheerleaders are dumb??

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I've cheerleaded since I was 6 and I was reading questions that people have answered, every question that someone has answered about cheerleading they said, " Why would you want to be a cheerleader??...... they are full of themselves and dumb."




  1. i, personally, dont think cheerleaders are dumb, and im not a cheerleader *stage fright*, but im guessing its the gum popping and curly blonde hair that u c in movies is wat makes out cheerleaders to be so dumb.

  2. i deal with the same thing.

    its cuz of the stereotype.

    cheerleaders r supposed 2 be the pretty, perfect, stupid, S****y, omg-i-just-broke-a-nail type girls.

    its cuz of the movies, books and tv that says thats wat cheerleaders r like.

    but were not!!

    were prob more hardcore than other ppl.

    more determined,

    more athletic

    i hate it!!



  3. Because in just about every movie that has something to do with school, the bad girl in the movie is a cheerleader and acts stupid and bitchy. It's so retarded because there are only like 2 mean girls on my squad.



    but they re not dumb at all if they were how would they learn ta do a standing back tuck, back handspring full layout???

    yea didnt think so...

  5. cuz they are

  6. ego-maniacs . cheerleaders are extremly gifted atheltes . those who cant rant . intelligence wise top five percent , if not . they would not be on cheer squad because failing grades . natural smiles , outgoing personalities , natural good looks . practice longer and harder than any other atheletes , yet still graduate with top marks . often better atheletes than players they are cheering . as far as team work , cannot be selfish , players have teammates to cover thier mistakes , cheer squads no room for any mistakec . pure simple jealosly by in adequate , physically inferior people . congrats on your dedication . you will have a much better life than those who doubt . well done

  7. i have no clue why people think that. its just a stereotype i guess. but noone has ever called me that. i make straight a's and im a blonde cheerleader. i def. am no stuck up or stuck on myself so they def. cant put w/ that stereotyppe. i think its mostly iggnorance about cheerleading is why people say that. especialy when they dont even know you. some girls on my suad do fit the stereotype of a cherleader so some assume that every girl is like that before they even know them. its not fair and not true. and some girls are just jelous cas they arnt good enough to be one and they're jealous.

  8. that is because in almost every movie involving cheerleaders they are full of themselves and dumb. of course movies are fictional and are not always true. just dont act like that and you wont be labeled. another reason why people say that is because some cheerleaders come across as stuck up so if someone knows a cheerleader like that they will assume every cheerleader is like that. its not true.

  9. Here is an example of why...

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