
Why do people think gas prices will go down???

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I keep reading news articles about the major banks and financial analysts saying that prices will go up, stay up, and possibly double by 2012. Is there something I am missing that would make people think the prices will go back down? Election promise or tax break or what???




  1. There always hope.

  2. Dont seem em coming down anytime soon.  Gas is at crazy prices

  3. I totally agree with the person above me and I really hope she's right. Otherwise, I suggest all Americans threaten to boycott voting in this Presidential election until we see reasonable pump prices again.  Watch how quick they go down then.  As of now, I'm not going to vote unless they go down.  I cannot afford to make an extra trip to the voting booth, just for my vote not to count!

  4. we wish that gas  pries Will go down but more likely it wont

  5. I think that once the US dollar starts getting back to where it was, prices will come down a little, since oil is in US dollars.  But I think the days of 99 cents/gallon are in the history books, If it does go down I think no less than $2.30/gallon, you got to think everything goes up as time goes on, soft drinks were 5 cents now $1.30,  cars where $1200 off the lot brand new now that same car is worth $50,000, got to expect gas to climb as well. matter of inflation.

  6. If you pay attention to current events, you'll notice how unusually convenient certain things are when gas prices either rise or fall. I try to not be all conspiracy theorist but this c**p has happened before. Maybe not to the extreme it has here, but it has happened.

    Consider this: Earlier this year when the primaries were just getting started, gas prices were a good $0.60-0.70 lower. Cue in the feud between Obama and Clinton, prices skyrocketed. The stimulus package went out a week early right as gas prices hit a new record...coincidence? I think not. First OPEC alleges a shortage, now they say they're not. All too convenient when you also factor in that summer driving is right around the corner.

    Mark my words: Gas WILL drop by the time the elections roll around. All the government and the media is doing is scaring naive consumers into thinking the prices will double or reach $10 a gallon. Get real. The economy is struggling enough coping with an average of $3.64 a gallon. It would cripple if it went to $5, $6, or $7. Completely unrealistic and all too clever of a fear tactic.

  7. Whatever goes up, will eventually come down (Newton's law).

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