
Why do people think g*y marriage is so wrong?

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I mean if they are attracted to each other why shouldn't they be able to marry? Its their choice so what's the big deal?




  1. Homophobes!    And I'm sorry, I know there's a higher power, but GOD has nothing to do with it!!!

    Their closed minded   and their the freaks who only think of the sexual aspect of the situations.     They have no idea or care to know about the "g*y" world.  You see so many JERKS even disown their own children, because of their sexual preferences!  

    I get so upset with people who JUDGE the g*y's.  And their the ones who bring up GOD.  WELL  isn't GOD suppose to be the only JUDGE??

  2. if GOD  intended for man to marry himself, then he would not have  created the opposite s*x.Man would procreate without the aid of a woman. There is  nothing attractive or normal about two people of the same s*x being intimate with each other

  3. I am not against g*y marriage, but I do feel it should not be called marriage. Marriage is between a man and a women. That is the definition of marriage. But no, I am 100% for g*y couples forming a "civil union" and having the same rights as married couples as far as legally and health insurance and everything else that would come along with a marriage. There is nothing wrong with someone being attracted to the same s*x. If that is what makes you happy then go for it! I hate when people say they are against it. Why is it their business? They are not in their homes and bedrooms every night are they?  

  4. Reading the answers to this question, I am astounded to hear how many people are bringing up god and religion. The United States has a clear separation between church and state, so religion should have nothing to do with whether or not g*y marriage is legal or not. People can have various reasons for thinking it is wrong (just as people used to think that interracial marriage was wrong), but the only truly WRONG thing here is that people are trying to establish their personal views on others.

  5. cause god don't like it

    if god wanted us to be g*y why did he put women & men on this earth

    if he wanted us to g*y he should've put only guys or girls

    see the point thats why it's wrong

    also 2 guys can't have a baby

  6. Because the religious community feel it's their business to dictate etiquette and morals to everyone.

    The biggest hypocrites are the religious.

    I don't know why they'd complain........if a g*y couple marries in their church, it's additional revenue for the church.

    And it seems churches are all about revenue anymore.

  7. Because marriage is between ONE woman and ONE man.If they legalize that,when are they going to legalize polygamy? After all, those people all love each other too.Or how about the little old lady in South Dakota who loves her cat..Should we allow her to marry it because she loves him?

  8. I think as long as they are in love and want to make a commitment to eachother g*y marriage is great! ...

    How can people say "Jesus loves you" ... and then turn around and say "god doesnt like g**s " ...

    This would mean that Gods love is conditional ... when the bible says his love is unconditional thats why he sent his son to die for our sins right ...

    im not g*y but this has always confused me ...

    how can "christians" judge g*y people who want a commitment and even protest marriage? and all the while those "holy people" are out having premarital s*x ... (I belonged to a church like that)

    We shouldnt judge people ... only God can do that! If this is what christians believe ...

    Plus unless people get the story straight they should stop saying ... posting... or preaching that "Jesus Loves You." or at least they should put a disclaimer that says "unless your g*y."

    BTW what has the Catholic Church done about those perverted priests that molest and have s*x with boys ...

    thats fine ... you can molest children and anal rape them but its not okay for 2 grown concenting Men/Women to marry eachother

  9. It's just wrong that's why!

  10. From my point of view people are just ignorant. It would be a whole different story if they were g*y. You are correct though, love is love, no matter what gender, what color, anything. It should not matter, if they are in love they should have the right to marriage! Not being racist or anything like that but its like telling an african american they cannot marry the white. Understand where Im coming from?? Its just not right!!!

  11. I do not see what the big hoopla is about same s*x marriages. My cousin is g*y and if he were to come to me and tell me that he wanted to marry his partner, I would be in support of it. I see absolutely nothing wrong with 2 people that want to take that next step of commitment in their relationship and they should be allowed to do so legally.  

  12. Some people consider marriage as a religious institution and think that two men married is against god's law and bible, that is completely out of line because religion doesn't and shouldn't dictate the law. Some are just homophobic.

    Give them some time, there were times women didn't have a right to vote, blacks were segregated, now it's changed so let ignorance and prejudice extinct and we can move along with evolution leaving all those close minds behind.

  13. i dont but i am english. many americans judge others even though they claim to be a religios country and the bible says dont judge or you will be judged. they obviously all must be perfect.

    if you love someone it doesnt matter who are they hurting?

  14. I dont think its wrong.

    Its their life and their choice and people need to mind their own business cause it doesn't affect them and they are NOT hurting anybody by doing this.

    If 2 people of the same s*x love each other and want to spend their life together then they should be able to.

  15. g*y marriage is just different.  Many years ago marriage between blacks and whites  was as big a deal as g*y marriage is today.  

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