
Why do people think going green is a cool thing to do?

by Guest60043  |  earlier

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Why do people think going green is a cool thing to do?




  1. Well. It's suppose to be the best for the environment, in many ways. But it's also a status symbol, and is not a project that is cheap. therefore some one is raking in money on it.  not unlike Vegans.

  2. Going green is a cool thing to do because not going green is a hot thing to do (e.g., global warming).

  3. Well for one i don't look at it as a "cool" thing to do i look at it as the right thing to do.....people who don't care about where they live are selfish! People who live green do it because it helps protect what others are trying to kill.... we use natrual things that benifit the environment. Plus even if you don't live completly green you can help by purchasing a WWF shirt

    which is made out of recycled plastic and organic cotton! they ARE really cute!

  4. I see that you are here just to annoy people then. With random rubbish dribbling from the o*****e called your mouth.

    You really have nothing of worth to say do you......

  5. Most individuals who are going green do it to promote healthy lifestyles and environmental responsibility. Some people take it too far, and some businnesses use it as a gimmick to up their profits, but going green is a great way to reduce pollutants in the air and in the ground as well as feel more important in the world.

  6. It's not just cool, it's the right thing to do. People don't seem to care what we're doing to the planet we live on.

  7. I don't know about cool.  Mainly it's necessary.  Often cheaper too.

  8. People think going green is cool because they are making a difference in the world. Our world is at risk because of global warming issues that can make everyone anxious. When you go green, you don't feel anxious AND you are helping to save the world. It's kind of like being a hero, in a way. And, going green not only helps the enviroment, but it leaves hope left in the world.

  9. it's not a cool thing to do.....its for the benifit of the human race.......

    if we spread more and more greenery around us......we will stay healthy....get more oxygen....and many more things........there are so many things which green plants and trees can do.......

    so...instead of a cool thing it is an INTELLIGENT thing to do......

  10. its a stupid thing to do. just a reason for the big business's to squeeze more money from you.

    global warming is a scam.

    watch "the great global warming swindle" or various other movies, available at

    people quickly forget that plants breath  in c02.

    and they breath out o2.

    In a c02 rich atmosphere, plants and fruits can easily grow 2/3x bigger/faster. As the plants themselves have more food to develop with.

    These bigger plants then produce 2x/3x more o2. balancing the situation.

    not to mention, c02 has never even been proven to correspond to temperature.  there is actually more data to suggest that the earth either warms or cool, and this effects the c02 in our atmosphere.

    Also, the sun is more radiant than its ever been, moons which used to be ice around jupiter and saturn are turning to seas.

    global warming is a scam created from nothing for the sole purpose of business and to create another reason for worldwide panic (along with terror)

    check my sources. i couldve given you 50 links.

  11. I don't do it  because I think it's cool. I do it because I want a healthier environment for myself and the animals. I feel it's a more peaceful way of life too. I like the independence of it. I don't want to  be hooked to electric/gas companies deciding if I can have heat and lights and such.  And them deciding that I should do without  because I don't make enough money to pay their outrageous prices. I want to drink clean water and breathe fresh air. Cool has nothing to do with it. It's about having peace of mind.

  12. maybe i'm just naive, but IMO, we've already ruined the planet & the ozone layer, so what's gonna repair all that damage?  we can't undo what has been done, so why start now?

  13. For no reson.

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