
Why do people think it's okay...?

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to be crabby with everyone for no good reason - just because they feel like it? Why do people feel that everyone else should indulge them in their moodiness and bad behavior? It just seems as though they are shocked when someone doesn't excuse them when they are "acting up". And yes, I am talking about adults.




  1. could be they are lonely in life and dont have much good social human interactions so they dont have social skills and hence seem rude. maybe they are truly evil

  2. they've encountered people who put up with or ignored it, is why.

  3. they either had a bad day/week or they just think that they are better than everyone else

  4. I try very hard not to snap at other people. I probably internalize too much and should go for a workout instead.  I don't like it when I get yelled at, so I should treat people the way I want to be treated, right ?

  5. Because they have been overindulged and catered to their whole lives.  And that has given them a sense of entitlement.  

    Discipline your kids and raise them with manners and this won't happen to yours.

    In the meantime, either quit hanging with this person or point it out every time.  They will soon quit doing it around you.

  6. The thing is, they do not think before doing it. Its just human nature. Theres no way to stop it. if someone is soo immature that the do it constantly, and i mean every friggin day of the week, ignore them. They arent worth your time.

    Some people act out because they are hurt on the inside. Their marriage could be going sour or someone in their family could have recently died. Problems like the above can take years to get over. They dont just simply "vanish" and apparently when someone dies you cant bring them back. Some people turn so d**n bitter that they want others to feel the same way as them.

    They arent always bad people, but people that are going through a rough patch of life.

  7. The adults we are discussing are so self absorbed the don't even realize what they are doing.

  8. People who behave in this manner are spoiled and have never had anyone discipline them when they acted out.

  9. OMG my supervisor does this exact thing!  It bugs the c**p out of me.  god forbid she is having personal problems because the rest of us (AKA me) have to suffer.  I don't understand why people do this.  especially in a work environment (in my case).  I usually just distance myself from people like that and wait for their stupidity to pass.

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