
Why do people think it's okay to text someone of the opposite s*x, hide it, and think your spouse won't know?

by  |  earlier

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Why not just be open and honest about who you talk to?




  1. Bcoz its better for some secrets to remain so,as long as they don't trouble the relationship. Even after marriage,each partner shud learn to respect the other's privacy,likes and dislikes and not snoop,cringe, cry and accuse over each and every trivial matter.

  2. Because they are idiots!

  3. They must not be happy in their relationship.  Therefore are willing to risk losing it.  It all comes down to they don't care about their spouse or partner.

  4. Are you being open and honest about the problem here?  Is this a problem with your spouse or do you really see this as a general concern?

  5. agreed

  6. They can't be honest because they are cheating and don't want you to know

  7. because they know they can get away with it...  

  8. my husband has pulled this **** too. I dont know why they do it. maybe its because they like to cheat or just be sneaky

  9. To me, it's a lack of consideration and respect for their partner.

    Just my thoughts.

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