
Why do people think marijuana is dangerous?

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In fact why is it still illegalized? The govt could make tons of money off it if they were to just legalize and tax it and it's in no way dangerous or harmful. We have worse things out there like ciggs and alcohol that are already legalized so it's completely irrational to say marijuana can't be since it is less harmful than both of those previously listed things and presents no danger to the user.




  1. To answer you question with another one, who told you it wasn't harmful?,

      Any sort of smoke drawn into your lungs is harmful, it isn't natural.

  2. Because America has a huge lobby against it- it can be used for fuel, clothing, food, etc.  1% of America is getting RICH having it illegal- it is also wrapped up into the paranoia and funding of anti-terrorism.  I'd rather be in a room with a bunch of stoners than drunks any day.  

  3. Pot is not a victimless crime. One joint is like smoking a whole pack of cigarettes, plus you have drug dealers who push it on kids, you have the cartel that murders people. who do you think murders all these people in Latin America? its the drug lords.  

  4. i don't think anyone thinks marijuana is NOT dangerous.  of course it is.   regardless, many things are not good for us.  i agree that we should have the right to do as we wish with our own bodies.

  5.  No more than alcohol.  My problem with theoretical legalization is that it makes people very content.  Very quickly.  People, all people, low income middle, high need reasons and ambition to move forward.  A bag of weed on the tray and some munchies in the kitchen and people will be much more content sitting doing nothing or not enough.  Kids in school less ambitious and even more laid back.  Weeds effects don't go away as fast as alcohol either.  It can turn into a lifestyle that is stagnant. Is it anymore harmful than alcohol and cigarettes, physically no.  Is it a road we want to open for our society, a side street away from success and prosperity.  It makes it too easy to be content with what you have or don't have.  Good luck!!

  6. The fact is that marijuana would put the oil business out of business. The government knows that they can make millions from it but it deals with the universal use of marijuana. Mind you that all produces from Marijuana would be purely green,  bush would lose millions because everyone would make it, instead of one person. That's why its illegal. There is no known death due to marijuana. If you smoke so much of it you'd pass out before you would die. That's why Cancer paitents needs the mellowness, to allow them to live the last few days of there life peaceful.

  7. It is dangerous, dumbdumb.

    You can't make clear decisions when under its influence.

    People die from things they do while intoxicated by marijuana allll the time.

    It's like drunk driving.

    People that say it is less dangerous than "other things" are just listening to the lobbyists that want it for themselves.

    Cigarettes don't actually cause immediate physical harm, nor does alcohol. Marijuana will plya with your senses and mess up your body.

    Please don't believe what greed-ridden people are out there today.

  8. Because the criminal element of the US government is making to much money off it .

  9. People who think it's dangerous are usually those who have never tried it. Naturally they have a fear of the unknown, however this dosen't seem to stop them from commenting on it.

  10. I was at a Tom Petty concert on Wednesday night and this guy in the row in front of me lit up a roach during "Mary Jane's Last Dance".  This young, well-endowed young woman in the row behind me asked me to forward a message to the guy that if he gave her a hit on his joint she would show him her b*****s.  So, I think it is quite possible that marijuana has human healing powers.

    Certainly, marijuana should be legalized, and the persons who use it must understand they are responsible for any negative outcomes.  I do find it hilarious that in America drugs are long as your drug of choice is the liquid variety.

  11. I think it's dangerous because it gives people the "I don't give a sh** attitude"  They seem to think that laws don't apply to them and they get arrogant and won't go to work because they want to mellow out.

    This is what I observed with my son.  Of course he is in prison now.

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