
Why do people think organized religion is better (or more godly) than personal spirituality?

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for me, organized religions have more traditions and politics than theology - so why do people flock to them and do the weekly worship thing rather than a daily spiritual exercise which isn't endorsed by an organized religion? is it a matter of belonging? of consensus building of values?




  1. I wonder that myself. I think God is a personal thing. However, it must be the sense of belonging that draws people in.  

  2. Because they are weak people who unconsciously need to be told what to do and how to think, they just don't know how to think for themselves.

  3. i think that personal religion is more godly because it is a personal connection. it always depends on the person though.

  4. That is the way of the sheeple in a flock. They must have their head goat to follow or they can't function. I know this because I used to be a head goat. They flocked in every Sunday morning, Sunday night and Wensday night and I said a few well chosen words, they left their money and went home happy.

    A little over 20 years ago, I couldn't do that c**p any more so I walked away and today, I feel much better.

  5. There are three institutions that God put into place.  The family, the national government and the church.  We are commanded to gather with the saints on the first day of the week, to pray, sing (without instruments), to give, to study the scriptures and to take of the Lord's Supper.  We have no choice.  

  6. I'm afraid it's a matter of control.  You are absolutely correct, religion is a lifestyle, not a once a week tradition.  The book of James tells us what religion is; 1:27, "Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world".  Now, where was the weekly tradition included in this verse?  

  7. You don't get invited to picnics if you are content with your own beliefs.

  8. First of all:  There are a select group of people (NOT ALL) who think organized religion is better than personal spirituality.

    We are a social animal and grouping together enhances many levels of our personal life.  At school we learn sooo much more than class curriculum.  Why?  Because when we get together we naturally start sharing ideas, concepts, hopes, dreams, experiences, etc.  As I answer your question I know I am participating in an organized forum.  

    Yes, there are those who will use any gathering for personal adjendas so watch for the traps but welcome the reality that you are an interracting human.

    There is one religion that seems to understand the gathering to encourage concept as they openly profess the individual right and responsibility to form personal theology.  They welcome all belief systems asking only one common thread, Love.  They are the Universalist Unitarians.

  9. it takes a lot more discipline to conduct a personal spiritual practice.

    most people are a bit more social and need the structure and feedback.  but not everyone.  many people do both (like a christian who goes to church and has a daily bible reading practice or a buddhist who goes to sangha and also has a daily solitary meditation practice, a yogi who goes to class but also does a practice alone each day)  i think both independent and group-reinforced practices are strong -together.

  10. But why are there traditions?

    Why is there a community of fellowship?

    Why should I say the same "Credo" that my family has repeated for over 1,000 years?

    Why? Why? Why? Why not!

    God love you!

  11. because thats how they are raised

    go to youtube and search "god's warrior" and click on the fat lady picture video

    lol that woman is craaaazy

  12. Organized religions are against individualism. You cant contribute to the word's greatest pyramid schemes without going to church.  

  13. Maybe because they have not had a real person relationship with Jesus.  I think that Jesus is the greatest, so much fun to be with.  He brings me joy and peace and makes me laugh.  Religion cannot do this for you, only Jesus.

  14. I think both are important, personal spirituality is a Must. But we do need of an organized religion, because it helps one go on, it`s like a family, it supports our efforts towards God Who is the goal. Sometimes it`s dificult to walk alone.  

  15. I have never been a member of an organized religion.  I was a baptist and now I am a Mennonite.

    Truth is Jesus commands us to gather together as His followers.  The early church gathered on the first day of the week to celebrate Jesus' resurrection and our salvation.  Seems like a good idea.  

  16. i agree personal spirituality is very important. We should have strong relationship wth God. Being part of an organized religion is not a guarantee that a person has an intimate relationship with Christ. However, gathering regulary has been a practice of early Christians. Consider below..

    (Hebrews 10:24-25) And let us consider one another to incite to love and fine works, 25 not forsaking the gathering of ourselves together, as some have the custom, but encouraging one another, and all the more so as YOU behold the day drawing near.

    Christian meeting, although it is not the foundation of our faith, is a source of encouragment and upbuilding talks from fellow believers. Our Christian brothers and sisters are provisions of God, so we can draw strength from their praiseworthy experiences (Read Phil 4:8).

    Besides, as Christians, we have responsibility to share the good news. (Mat 24:14, Acts 20:20,26). How can we make public preaching if we are not part of an organized religion.

    So although personal spirituality is more important, we must remember that it has been an arrangement of God to gather and meet His followees regularly and benefit from it.

    There are more reasons why we should be part of organized religion.. i can't type it all =) but i agree with you that personal spirituality is very important =)  

  17. To be honest I don't see why one has to be better than the other, they are two separate things.  Religion has it's good points and bad points, and personal spirituality can be a difficult thing to obtain, but well worth the effort.  

  18. First off Paul...last time I checked those were both organized religions.

    A majority of churches preach that there is no hope if you don't go to church with in the confines of four walls each Sunday.  

    Some people I think they go to church because they feel that they need someone to tell what to do and what not to do.  Kind of the mentality of; "Well, I was never told not to do this so it must be ok."  Even though, it is still "morally" wrong.

    For some others it is a feeling of community, and a sense of belonging.  Knowing that there is another person that believes the same thing they do.  Which incidentally, if you actually look at the beliefs of different individuals with in one congregation they don't all believe the same thing.  (I know that is up for serious debate.)

    So to really answer your question, I don't think it is for one reason. I think the reason for each person is different.

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