
Why do people think pearl harbor was a conspiracy?

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just curious. same with 9/11, if anyone has info id appreciate it.




  1. People are stupid!

  2. It's a human nature thing.  Anytime there's a disaster like Pearl Harbor, 911, Katrina there are those that will forward an opinion that it was all an "inside job."

  3. People put to much trust in the government they would rather assume those above them are good than think their might be a possibility they aren't looking out for our best interest.

  4. Because of the all the video and photo evidence of 9/11, rather than say it didn't happen, they say the government was behind it. Its all ridiculous.

  5. I have heard this, people look at the fact that all 3 American Carriers were out to sea when the attack happened. One idea I heard was that we had planes made up to look like japanese planes below deck and that our ships launched them to "stage" an attack.Just like 9-11 it ignores the fact that hundreds if not thousands of American servicemen would know what was going on. Secrecy would be impossible.

  6. Pearl Harbour and 9/11 are just an old wives' tale.

    Same with the Holocaust.


  7. When things like this happen the conspiracy theorist come out of the wood work. Yes a lot of mistakes were made for Pearl Harbor and 9/11 to happen the way they did.  But it also make you wonder if things like this have a time and purpose that we may never understand?

  8. sorry idk ppl are retared lmao

  9. Pearl Harbor was NOT a surprise attack.  FDR was warned by London, Paris, Moscow, Peru, Mexico, Korea, the anti-n**i German ambassador to the US, CIA Director Allen Dulles, US Secretary of War Stimson...  

    h**l, Japan even bragged they were ready to attack!  From the Honolulu Advertiser "Japanese May Strike Over Weekend!" (in a museum in Punta Gorda, FL)

  10. I didn;t know that people think that!

    I think it wa just a battle which made americans enter the war

  11. Pearl Harbor was a conspiracy, by the Japanese, to destroy our nation's ability to stop Japan from conquering the Far East. They paid, in spades, for their conspiracy.

    I do not understand what other conspirracy you might have in mind..

    Just as the case with 9/11.

    Some people have trouble with things which are obvious and simple.

  12. The US needed an excuse to go to war, in both cases,  it's as simple, and true as that.

    The details are just that, details.

    I'm glad that the US joined the fight against fascism after Pearl Harbour, even if they helped it happen.

    I feel a bit more uneasy about 911, but maybe there's something I don't understand.

  13. Maybe they just haven't taken their lithium today.

  14. Who knows why people think stupid things...why don't you ask people who think that Jews "made up the holocaust"

  15. The problem is when things go wrong people like to blame someone, specifically the government.  It appears that lately, especially lately, it's cool to blame the government if you can, and especially if you can blame the US government.  

    The problem is you'd be surprised how easy it is to convince a normal, intelligent person with 'twisted' facts.  Conspiracy theorists use this all the time.

    Two of the biggest twisted facts are the carriers, and that it would lead the US into war with Germany.  Here's some real facts about this.

    The carriers, the US Navy on Dec. 7, 1941 had 7 (yes 7) carriers, of which 3 were part of the Pacific fleet, of which 2 (only 2) were actually stationed at Pearl Harbor.  However both were out delivering squadrons to Midway and Wake islands to ensure a safe delivery route for B-17s (which were to be flown from the US mainland to the Philippines in case of war).  They also miss the fact that the Enterprise was suppose to have been back at Pearl on the 6th but weather and refueling her destroyer escorts caused the ship to return late.

    The other big twisted fact conspiracies love to throw out is if Japan attacks then the US will get involved in the war against Germany.  They rational they use the Tripartite Pact between Japan, Germany and Italy.  This pact is more of a defense treaty.  Germany was under no obligation to declare war against the US when Japan attacked the US anymore than Japan was obliged to declare war when Germany attacked Russia.

    Conspiracies have been around for a long time.  Whenever there appears to be something that shouldn't happen people will make a conspiracy about it.  The biggest, and perhaps hardest, part of a conspiracy is those who believe it do not like you to question their theory.  

    As for 9/11 I have yet to find a conspiracy theory that is as complete as the official story.

    Did the US government know the attack might occur, quite possible?  I question this as to how many threats does the US get each day, week, month, year?  How do you know which ones to focus on, even the US government had limitations in manpower and resources (conspiracy theorists think the US has an unlimited supply of both).

    Hope this helps out.

  16. Try these pages to get some ideas for your own Google searches.

  17. You can say what you care to about the attack on Hawaii being faked . I was there under those bombs .

    Idiots think everything is faked by the government . The president set-up Pearl Harbor . The president arranged the Towers attack . The president caused the hurricane to wipe out New Orleans . The president flooded the mid-West . The president is causing high gas prices .

  18. I don't have links handy for Pearl Harbour, but can recommend a link for 9/11.

    Watch Mike Ruppert's 9/11 film.

    It is not about demolitions, missiles, etc.  It doesn't discuss the "hows" of 9/11.  Rather, it is about geopolitical motivations for 9/11, criminality in government, evidence of foreknowledge, and the exploitation of 9/11 to further the geopolitical agenda.

    The film is 2 hours. It doesn't go into 9/11 directly until part way through the 2nd hour. The first hour lays the foundation required to understand the 2nd hour.  The film is a few years old, but still relevant.  Any evidence of foreknowledge arising since is not, of course, covered in that film.

    The Truth & Lies Of 9/11

    Who does Ruppert blame for 9/11.  US - the people - for becoming complacent and allowing our government to be hijacked as it has.   He is absolutely correct.  The question now is, will we do anything about it?

    Also look up the neocon think tank "Project for a New American Century".  Read their manifesto.  Research the members and their ties to the Bush Administration.  That aspect is not covered in Ruppert's film.  You will find the geopolitical ideology of the PNAC group consistent with what you see in the film.

  19. it was ,a lib conspiracy to help the libs in europe.too bad ron paul was not there !

  20. Some people need to see it to believe it.

  21. if there's $$ to be made by the corrupt trash elite they will kill thier own children!!

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