
Why do people think pitbulls are vicious and hate them over it?

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i think there great loving well my brothers were anyway iv asked a few questions tonight about them instead of dobermans final and people just say pit without any more things to say tell me why use people hate them of it ......please dont say it said it in the paper




  1. I love pitbulls. I adopted one from a shelter and he is the smarted, kindest, most loyal dog I've ever owned. I have owned other breeds in the past and pits are my favorite. People have to understand that any dog trained to be vicious is going to be vicious. Just like you can't judge people solely by their race, you can't judge dogs solely by their breed.

  2. Because they are uneducated morons. You hate something you don't understand . If they just took that time it took to watch that news report and do some research on the net... they would learn something.

  3. This is information I've gathered over the past year:

    Pit Bull is a term commonly used to describe several types of dogs with similar physical characteristics. Its use in media is often vague and rarely descriptive of specific breeds. There are several physically similar breeds that are often termed "pit bull" in English speaking countries, including the American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Perro de Presa Canario, Cane Corso, Dogo Argentino, Alano Espanol, Japanese Tosa, Dogue de Bordeaux, and Perro de Pelea. These breeds are usually not included by name in any Breed Specific Legislation (see below), but are sometimes included because of a broad definition and confusion as to what a pit bull actually is.

    The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) published a study concerning deaths from canine attacks in 2000. [34] According to the study, between 1979 and 1998, one-third of all fatal dog attacks were caused by Pit Bull type dogs. The highest number of attacks (118) were by Pit Bull type dogs,

    The ordinance defined a pit bull as

    Any dog that is an American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, or any dog displaying a majority of physical traits of any one or more of the above breeds, or any dog exhibiting those distinguishing characteristics which substantially conform to the standards established by the American Kennel Club or United Kennel Club for any of the above breeds.

    News media stories of pit bull attacks involving disfiguring injury to humans and other animals, the latter very often also fatally, ranging in size from attacks on smaller non pitbull dogs to horses can be found globally. The pit bulls involved were not always loose and off the owner's property, but sometimes were inside the home of the owner, who, or a family member or visitor, was the victim of the aggression. Fatal pit bull attacks to children and adults have been reported by the English-language news media in the United States and United Kingdom.

    A study published in the Journal of the American Veterinary Medicine Association in September, 2000 reports that in the 20 years studied (1979 to 1998) "Pit-bull type dogs" and Rottweilers were involved in one half of approximately 300 dog bite related fatalities in the US[3]. Another study of American and Canadian dog bite related fatalities from September 1982 to November 2006 produced similar results, reporting that Pit bulls, Rottweilers, Presa Canarios and their mixes were responsible for 65% fatal dog attacks. [4] This study also noted: "Of the breeds most often involved in incidents of sufficient severity to be listed, pit bull terriers are noteworthy for attacking adults almost as frequently as children."

    A June assault left an East Baltimore woman hospitalized with bites and gashes on her head, neck, arms and legs. In April, a 10-year-old Towson boy spent more than two weeks in the hospital recovering from his injuries, and two Baltimore sheriff's deputies shot and killed a pit bull as it was attacking a 7-year-old girl.

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently released a report that showed pit bulls were responsible for more dog bite-related attacks than any other breed during a 20-year period

    Indiana News

    Other stories from the INDIANA NEWS

    May 25, 2007: Indy Police: Girl Injured By Pit Bull

    May 16, 2007: Pit Bull Tears Into Child, Attacks Others

    May 14, 2007: Man Cited In Connection With Pit Bull Attack

    May 7, 2007: Pit Bull Disfigures 3-Year-Old Girl's Face

    November 14, 2006: Indy Dangerous Animal Ordinance Passes

    September 26, 2006: Girl Leaves Hospital 4 Months After Pit Bull Attack

    June 15, 2006: Pit Bull Pair Pounces On Pedestrian J

    june 8, 2006: Authorities: Teen Ordered Pit Bull To Attack Officer

  4. People think pitbulls are vicious because people see so many negative things about them in the media. sometimes people see pitbulls attacking others and they automatically think they are bad dogs, who can't be trained, and are not good pets. Most people think all pits are bad dogs but they don't realize it all depends on how the dog was trained and handles.

  5. I had a pit bull who had been rescued from a shelter. This dog had absolutely been used for fighting and had scares of all sorts all over his body and cigarette burns as well. Well he was the sweetest most wonderful dog i could ever ask for. He was great with children and never showed any aggression toward people. It broke my heart when he died but i know i did whatever i could to give this dog the loving home he deserved.

  6. bcz people r immature idiots and just because all the low life druggies train them to attack people doesn't mean they all do. i have known some pits to be the sweetest dog on this earth ppl r just f**s

  7. Well, pitbulls are one of the most vicious dogs, and they constantly seem to turn on thier owners. They could be the sweetest dog and then the next day attack their owner half to death! It's kinda scary, so just be careful around them, they can turn at ay moment!  :-)

  8. Well, some ppl train them to fight, and if the fighting god go anywhere near the public they will attack, that is where most of the "Pit bull attacks" headlines come from. i agree, they are great dogs, but my mom will not let me have one b/c of all the news stories.=(

  9. Put bulls have often made the headlines in the United States as one of the meanest and most aggressive animals. They are feared by mans as dogs that attack and kill people for no reason. Children are not the only victims but adults are as well. Unfortunately pit bulls have a very dark history. They have very muscular bodies and heavy steel trapped jaws that can exert a pressure of over 1800 pounds per square inch. They usually attack silently, even without being provoked. The majority of there victims have been family members.

    However one owner of a pit bull that I have spoken with praises them as being loyal and making great pets, especially for families with kids. Shortly after making that statement one of his pets locked its teeth on his arm and put him in the hospital for about a week. Over the past several years the list of people injured by pit-bull attacks has run into the thousands. Due to this many owners have been dumping their pit bulls on the streets, and turning them in at animal shelters to be destroyed. They no longer feel safe and are unwilling to risk their families safety.

    It has even gotten to the point where many insurance companies are now refusing to cover pit bulls, and a few other very aggressive dogs. What makes this even more tragics is that not all of these dogs are dangerous. The problem is not the dogs it is the owners according to one researcher. However they did point out that they are more difficult to raise than some of the other dog breeds. And these dogs are not for everyone, especially not for those with small children. According to the United Kennel Club if you are raising your pit bull like you should, your pet will be one of the nicest pets you could ever imagine.

  10. pitts are not natural visous dogs, their owners train them to be

  11. cos man a kid got attacked. not sayn it was the dogs fault but thats wat happnd. dobermans used to be the scapegoat. so did german sheperds and rotweilers its just that people want some one to blame. im a pitbull fan my self and theyr playful but they rnt killing machines from birth. its how theyr traind.

  12. Some people dont like pibulls because their orginal nature is vicious and even if they become loving and tame there is a possibility that they may turn on you. And they are very strong so if they turn on you you are in trouble.f

  13. They'll bite you in the leg, throw you into a fire, and urinate on your ashes. That's why

  14. i dont think their vicious and i dont hate them

    they just scare the sh*t out of me. haha. so yeah maybe that is why.

    but i am scared of all dogs except little dogs like

    chiwawas or whatever and shitzues or whatever

    sorry dont spell dog names.  

  15. Most people i've talked to say they dislike the way the breeders / owners use them, realizing that it's not the dog that is evil and has a vicious agenda... it's the one raising the dog.

  16. Pitbulls are often bred to be fighting dogs, so people associate the breed with it.

    It's really unfair because my friend owns one and it is one of the sweetest dogs I know. It all depends on the enviroment it's raised in.

  17. Because of the media. People believe what they see on TV and read in the newspaper. They don't take the time to actually do their research and find out what a gentle, loving breed the Pit Bull is.

    Whatever the TV says is good enough for them.

    It is a fact that Pit Bulls only account for 1.89% of dog bites. The breed of dog that has bitten most people is the 'sweet little' Labrador Retriever, coming in 1st place, Cocker Spaniels coming in 2nd.

    I love every dog, regardless of breed. I have nothing against any particular breeds or Mutts. It's the owners who make bad dogs, it's people who breed bad dogs, thus making more bad dogs (temperament passed on through genetics).

    Why not ban the people, instead of the breed?

    Don't hate a dog because of the way it looks or what breed it the saying goes, 'Punish the deed not the breed'.

  18. well my sisters boyfriends dog had puppies and

    he gave one to his sister and her husband

    and the first day they had him they took him out for a

    walk and they stopped by there friends house to show

    them there new puppy

    and well the friend had a pitbull

    and when the pitbull saw the puppy the

    puppy barked

    and the pitbull just ran up to it and ripped his little body in half!

    he was only 8 weeks old :'(

    and i find it hard to like dogs that are so cruel

  19. im wit u, i myself like them...their not born vicious, its just the way their owner treats them..people tink that often because of the media and from all the dog fight vids they see...the reason why some pitts  are mean is because their owners dont feed or treat them right...they just get them to make themselves look better...

  20. most of them are, I'm sure your bros. just raised theirs a little more kindly.  

  21. how many poodles have you seen on the news or on a court show or a cop show or any tv program attacking people there is your anwser

  22. it is a proven fact that the pitbull likes to eat infants.

  23. people are more afraid of pitbulls then they hate them. the reason for this is because pitbulls can be very dangerous and violent.  

  24. steroetypical. people just broadcast what they like. but do they fill the media with goldens and labs that attack too? *GASP* yes people goldens and labs. people just think that pitts look "mean" with the cropped ears or the muscular bodies. just ignore them, there stupid. haha

  25. cause pitbulls are used mostly for guard dogs, and because they can be more aggresive than other dogs

    it's in their nature

  26. "Pitbull" it's in the name, they were bred for "pit" fighting, many pitbull breeds are the result of crossbreeding between varieties of now extinct fighting dogs. It's in there nature to fight, i suppose though that, you could bring in the argument of nature vs nurture.  

  27. If they aren't trained properly they can be very vicious.

    really let's see those sources hm? Just lying?

  28. its how society puts it....i have a blue nose pitt... she's 2yrs and she is so kind to ppl and kids....raised her since she was a nieces love her

  29. Because too many irresponsible pit owners train their dogs to be vicious in order to bolster their own pitiful self-image, and don't properly care for them or secure them. Most of the time when a dog (or pack of dogs) attack someone, the dogs involved are pits. This gives them a very nasty reputation, one which is not deserved by the majority of pits but it's still there.

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