
Why do people think "it will never happen to me"?

by  |  earlier

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Not referring to anything specifically, but was thinking more of things that are perceived as "bad" than things perceived as "good".

For example, teen pregnancy, getting injured doing something dangerous, etc.

Is it that people aren't aware of the probability of ___ happening until it happens to them? Or are they aware of the probability but think that they are somehow "above" it or "immune" to it?




  1. People can't see themselves but they certainly can see other people or at least they think the can. Even when it does happen to them or me or us or I, they still often times don't see until the pain from the bad experience causes them to change or they never see it and live with it forever or until it kills them.

  2. Is it a classic example of the "ostrich syndrome"? Bury their heads in the sand and pretend that the bad stuff only happens to other people?

    Seems to me that it is a very common component of the human psyche these days.

  3. I think it has to do with the fact that people don't want something bad to happen to them so they live life believing that it can't happen to them.  When people anticipate something happening to them, it is usually positive.  Like winning the lottery or getting a date with an attractive girl.  People like to play out small fantasies in their head on how they would like things to turn out, but usually planning things in your head never turn out how you imagined it.  You can't really predict how anything is going to turn out, it's just a way to pass the time and get your hopes up.

  4. Well you know the saying "Ignorance is Bliss". I think that people don't like to imagine anything bad happening to them, because its just that--BAD, hence the thought scares them. I don't think that something will never happen to me, but at the same time I don't like to think that it WILL happen.

  5. the fear of something that does not happen in the here and now (like being attacked by a pack of angry wolves) is easier to set aside. We can delay the anxiety and often just ignore it.

  6. It's an easy comfort to think this way, wasteful to spend too much energy focusing on what could happen, most don't have the time to worry about things beyond their control, and most of us-whether we know the probability of something or not-don't walk around with that in mind...most of us are not idiot-savants, like Rain Man, walking around calculating. You know? Again, I think it's a comfort thing for the most part, and sometimes, as for teenagers, an immaturity (invincibility) thing. Good question.

  7. for me it is just becasue i am younger and i am more sure of myself and sometimes that is misplaced . it is not that i am not aware of the probablity of it or that i am imune to it it is just that i am stupid enough to take that risk because i can

  8. cause thats how it works. if we knew it was going to happen we could avoid it couldnt we.

  9. It is basically a form of denial. Which is the natural, instinctive behaviour of all humans. If we didn't have this cushion of denial, human civilisation would have taken no risks, and achieved no greatness.

  10. wishful thinking...with a sprinking of arrogance..and fingers well crossed...

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