
Why do people think sending our military to different hot spots is wrong?

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I have heard so much bad c**p from the do gooders about military spending. I mean, we don't make people join the military. They join because its a good job. So are we suppose to just let them sit around and we keep paying our tax dollars to feed, house and pay their medical for nothing. My kids are both in, and they can't believe the whiners out there.If you join its to protect whats ours and to help out where needed.

While they protect your butts so you can use your freedom of speach to complain. Most military rejoin. Why? Because its a good paying job!




  1. Most don't think that.  We do think sending them indiscriminately is wrong.  Not every conflict is an invitation for us to butt in AND we have limited resources... like every other nation.

  2. my issue is not with the soldiers like your kids, but their commander and chief.  helping out where needed is not the same as sticking our nose in where it doesn't belong.  

    is it really a good paying job?   i've heard sad stories about military families that can't pay the mortgage and/or struggle to pay bills, so i am not sure about the good pay.  especially after lil bush vetoed their raise.

    i hope your kids do fine and keep safe, because they may not be so happy with the vet benefits.

  3. It would seem obvious that both of your kids who are in the military are not among those 4,000 plus who have been killed in Iraq and many thousands more whom have been severely wounded.

  4. complicated question and answer.  i served in the marines, and think everyone should. but, with that said, i also think we need to be very very judicious as to where and when we send our troops.  we should definitely spend our nations resources at home if ANYWAY possible.

  5. First, it is not a good paying job. It pays, but not good. And just because we spend tax dollars on it doesn't mean we need to use it. Look at our strategic oil reserves. We have it. Spend money on it, but we don't use it. So I guess Iraq is ours. We should protect it. Your logic is of a dolt.  

  6. your absolutely right, anybody who joined the military without EVER excepting the possibility of war is stupid, that is what militarys do they fight and they fight to kill or die, a big problem is that we have a society full of CNN, MSNBC, FOX and other "news" watchers that think watching an hour of commercial packed opinions from these shows make them junior politicians, another big problem is that we are protecting our people a little too much, most of the people here in america are becoming increasingly sheltered, and have no idea about the horrors that come with living in MOST other places on this earth, sure they might hear the words GENOCIDE and MASS CASUALTIES but without seeing it first hand they can never understand, and in result from this sheltering when anything goes the least bit wrong (katrina, gas, iraq etc etc) then these junior politicians and overdramatic sign holders scream bloody rape, I once saw a guy/kid listning to an Ipod sipping a fancy coffee wearing a $30 t-shirt with $60 shoes talking on a bluetooth headset holding the keys to a farely nice honda civic talk about how c**p this country is and how Bush and its government failed its people... I'll be damned if I didnt feel like putting him on his a*s right in the middle of that mall, but unfortunitley he knows not what he does or says, becouse as much as I love this country the majority of people here have it too good and never had to earn it the hard way, its called being spoiled.  I once heard someone say that "America is the only country in the world that people EXPECT to be happy" and when their not magically granted happiness they sit in a doctors office shoveling money outta their pockets and pills into their mouths, I could go on and on and on but I think you get my point. Im in the Army by the way so bite your tounge before questioning my patriotism.

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