
Why do people think that ANWR is a pristine wilderness?

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Why do people think that ANWR is a pristine wilderness?




  1. The same reason people can get 30 days in jail for beating their spouse but 5 years for beating a dog! In today's world human needs are less important than those of animals.

  2. There is very little pristine wilderness in the U.S. We do the best we can with what we've got, whether it is pristine or not. The best we can does not include giving another handout to oil companies who are still making more money than any corporation in history.

  3. It is a pristine wilderness, but it's huge.  Interestingly enough, animal populations have either increased around other oil wells and the pipeline.  Or they just hang around these areas.  Either way, the increase is in the thousands, so the idea of oil well ruining the landscape or somehow depopulating the animals is irrelevant.  Not drilling is just an excuse to do nothing, as most politicians are famous for doing.  They give the illusion of being very busy, when they really don't do anything.  

  4. I guess because they haven't gotten out to actually see ANWR. They are confusing pristine with the barren tundra that it is.

    Even if it were pristine, what percentage of the ranger stations, picknick tables, hiking paths, guard shacks, roads, etc, etc run through or are in Yosemity park ? Sure, i'm sure its a small percentage, but it is a percentage.

    The plan is to use around 2000 acres of a 19.7 million acres wilderness. That is a small footprint, especially for such an undeveloped piece of land.

    The same complaint was raised when the Alaskan pipeline was supposed ot be built. They whined about the poor caribou. Some years later, the pipeline is done and the caribou are just fine.

    Enviro freaks need to stop being so self righteous.

  5. What people think is barren tundra is the home to hundreds of species.  It is pristine to the animals using it..and about as unpopulated and pristine as it gets in the US. Are you aware how many bird species use this land to nest on?  I do...I have worked studying nesting birds in the Arctic tundra..not many people can say they have actually been to the Arctic..most just blab a bunch of nonsense about it and have NEVER stepped foot on the tundra.  Many bird species are already declining worldwide, and drilling in ANWR will just destroy yet more nesting habitat likely resulting in the decline of more bird species..not to mention mammal species as well.

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