
Why do people think that God would be so overly concerned with human sexuality?

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What kind of omniscient being would actually give a c**p about where I put my hoo-ha?




  1. Cause He told you weren't allowed to do certain things with your hoo-ha...

    He's obviously not stopping you from doing so is He?  

  2. Human concerns may be prioritized parallel to God's concerns or not.  We obviously are very concerned with sexuality.  God made us that way (fictionally).  So God either cares about it or at least cares that WE care about it (fictionally).  It may be something to just keep us distracted, though... fictionally.

  3. I agree with what reverend avenged sevenfold said.

  4. because it's a close experience that should only be shared with your spouse, that's how personal it is and He gets sad when we treat it like it's not a gift and just misuse it and give it away

  5. Because they are overly concerned with human sexuality, and they project their feelings on God.

    By the way, I'm not omniscient, but I don't give a c**p where you put your hoo-ha, either.


  6. God isn't concerned at all. I can see in the beginning maybe. Not enough people around and needed a populace. It's the morality of us humans.

    So were you been putting that hoo-ha. God may or may not be concerned. I'd like to know? Not concerned, just curious. LOL

  7. Because He knows how morally depraved we humans get when we are overly obsessed with our sexuality.  Just my best guess.  And I think God cares about children.  I'm just throwing that in because I'm a mom.

  8. unwanted pregnancy, rape, abortion, STDs, AIDS, gee what else can there be happening that doesn't fit into the planetary plan?

  9. For the record it is written that from the beginning or from the foundation God knew them he chose, I also believe under that premise he is not overly concerned with character, attitude, and how one carries ones self sexually  

  10. its not God, but people who r concerned with s*x. look at the posts about s*x  in this site and you will know.

  11. Well, he wants you to create as many worshiplings as possible. But you have to be married in the church so it can get it's money first.

  12. It's in the Bible. If he wasn't concerned then he wouldn't have put it there. When you say things like that you are creating a "false god" which is also a sin, the same as when you "put your hoo-ha" where it isn't suppose to be.  

  13. God doesn't care where you put your hoo-ha, as long as you don't do something stupid with it.  Other people are the ones who get all het up about your hoo-ha because other people are nosy.  

    I personally consider the wherabouts of your hoo-ha to be TMI.

  14. Oh please - for those of you mentioning STDs and AIDS - how do you explain a "good Christian" suffering from Cancer then?  Why is your God punishing so many good people with such a horrible disease?

    And I just have to chuckle at Devoted's answer for a moment.  Seriously you don't think there's never any emotional distress in a marriage?

    If we weren't meant to be sexual creatures, then why did God make it such an enjoyable act?

    What if someone can't have children, or doesn't want to be having  children in their 40's or something - does that mean they should be denied the physical aspects of love for the rest of their lives?

    (And mind you, I personally don't agree with promiscuity - I believe s*x is an act of love, not a "casual" thing.  But I don't believe God is overly concerned about responsible consensual s*x outside of marriage.  There are bigger problems in the world.)    

    Apparently Lime Kitty wasn't neutered.  ;)

  15. since christians believe that god is an omniscient being who created everything, wouldn't it have made more sense that "flap A" would only fit into "slot B" and not any other place.

    not very omniscient of him.

    he should have better things to do with his time.

  16. Because their  book of mythology tell them so.

  17. cos it's those people who are so concerned but they blame god

    edit: This is after Tony C agreed

    "homosexual" was a term coined in 1869

    the links show some of the biblical mistranslations

  18. God created s*x for a reason-to strengthen the bond between husband and wife, and to bring children in the world. It is when mankind perverts this gift from God that He is against it.

  19. Um, because He is?  He is very concerned, and the fact that you aren't shows that you have no idea what you are talking about.  I hope that someday you will see the light.  Having sexual relations is related to going to church.  It's a sacred act, and you are playing with dangerous fire.  I wish you good luck in your folly.

  20. because they are hung up on it themselves.....

  21. He should only be concerned should you put it up His BOO-YOW!!!

  22. Read the bible.  The christian "god" has sexual fetishes that are mentioned in the bible, cover to cover.  He was obscessed with  incest, circumcision, submitting, homosexuality, and on and on...

  23. I Don't Know About God, but Humans Definitely Are.

  24. Because God created human sexuality and commanded that we keep ourselves for marriage.  Those who don't wait for marriage, set themselves up for all kinds of problems, including STD's, unwanted pregnancies and emotional distress.  What a price to pay for not waiting for marriage!


  25. People's deities inevitably hate the same things they do. There is no deity, so this is not surprising.

  26. I'm sure there is a very in depth psychological explanation for this. I think it boils down to the fact they want to take part in sexual explanation but have been taught from a very early age it is forbidden. This makes them jealous, bitter, angry etc. I've never shaken the belief those who fight the hardest against something do so because they can't accept their own interest in it.  

  27. Because God told us to multiply and God didn't want to put any STD's

    on you for your sinful behavior.

  28. Because apparently humans are just that interesting...

    *rolls eyes*

  29. God's very first law to mankind was "go forth and multiply and replenish the earth." The very first institution He created was marriage. It's all in Genesis.

  30. Exactly. I think it's because those people have this idea of God just sitting there watching our every move... which makes absolutely no sense. If he watches ALL of us ALL the time, don't you think he'd be working hard at taking care of all the starving kids? Or the people dying of AIDS or cancer? That's what I would pay attention to if I were God... but no, no... he just sits around and watches us in our bedrooms. Sounds like a perv to me!

  31. Lets look at it in another point of view... God states in

    Jeremiah 31:32

    It will not be like the covenant I made with their forefathers when I took them by the hand to lead them out of Egypt, because they broke my covenant, though I was a husband to them, " declares the LORD.

    here he is speaking of his chosen people at that time as a marrital relationship... GOD speaks all throught out the bible using the nations of authority as if they were spiritually married to him.. If this has created a spark of curiousity plz visit my group for much much more info!

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