
Why do people think that Palin has more experience than Obama?

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The woman was mayor of a small city. The woman has been governor of a state that has fewer people than the city of Los Angeles alone (and that's not even the biggest city in the country). The woman has admitted to having no idea what a VP does or no clue about foreign policy. Are people just diluted or do they just follow what McCain says?





  2. 2 term mayor and governor.  She has more executive experience then Obama.  I think you should start reconsidering Obama.

  3. Thats Republicans for you...... don't want to admit the truth.

  4. "Obama vs Palin

    In the early 1990's Obama was a lawyer and community organizer inside the Chicago Political Machine, and Sarah Palin was starting her career in Public Service by winning a seat on the Wasilla City Council.

    In 1997, Obama won a seat in the Illinois State Senate, while Sarah Palin was unseating the incumbent to become Mayor for Wasilla, Alaska. As Mayor, she reduced property taxes by 40%, improved the community through infrastructure investment, and earned the respect of her peers by being elected President of the Alaska Council of Mayors.

    In June of 2003, Obama was busy raising money for a run at the US Senate. This included attending a lavish fund raiser for his Senate campaign, hosted by Tony Rezko, who was later indicted for corruption and accepting kickbacks. At the same time, Sarah Palin was busy taking on the good old boy network in Alaska politics, exposing corruption within her own party and taking a stand against politics as usual, which led to the resignation of state's Republican Party chaiman as well as the state's Attorney General.

    As Barack Obama was missing almost half (45.5%) his votes in the US Senate while organizing his campaign for President, Sarah Palin was defeating former governor Tony Knowles 48% to 40%, despite being outspent by her political rival.

    Barack Obama was inaugurated into the US Senate in January of 2005, and has been a member of the lowest rated Congress in US History, with all-time low approval ratings between 9% and 15%. After taking office in December 2006, Gov Palin earned approval ratings between 75% and 90% during her first two years in office.

    In 2007, while Barack Obama was busy winning the designation "Most Liberal US Senator" by the National Journal, Sarah Palin, as Governor of Alaska, was killing the "Bridge to Nowhere" project, saving US Taxpayers $200 million.

    Last year, while Barack Obama was talking about energy policy, Gov. Sarah Palin was drafting, introducing, and getting passed, a bill called the Alaska Gasline Inducement Act, which would build a $26 billion natural gas pipeline from the North Slope to the Lower 48, helping reduce America's dependence of foreign energy.

    This year, while Barack Obama was criticizing a campaign to eliminate the Federal Tax on gasoline to help consumers, Sarah Palin was suspending the Alaska state tax on gasoline and returning $1200 of increased energy revenues to Alaska's families.

    Through all of this, Sarah Palin was also busy running a private business and raising a family of five children, the oldest of which has joined the Army and is deploying to Iraq next month."

    Posted earlier by Paul

    EDIT:  Also Palin isn't running against Obama, McCain is!!!

  5. I don't believe she has more experience. The fact that Obama has been through a year and a half of jumping through the hoops to show the American people proves to me that he has more experience than her.

  6. Because she DOES......She has been in office longer....She has NOT spent half of her time campaigning.....She balanced the budget of her State.....She HAS worked in an EXECUTIVE capacity...WHICH NEITHER Dem candidate has.....She IS a PROVEN reformer and not just lip service like the Dem Prez choice....She follows her beliefs.....

    She out classes the entire Dem ticket without a doubt......

    Sorry libs...Barry is TOAST

  7. Before you dismiss that Commander of the Alaska National Guard stuff. This came from a reader who plays the game and it jibes with my knowledge.

    Alaska is the first line of defense in our missile interceptor defense system.  The 49th Missile Defense Battalion of the Alaska National Guard is the unit that protects the entire nation from ballistic missile attacks.  It’s on permanent active duty, unlike other Guard units.

    As governor of Alaska, Palin is briefed on highly classified military issues, homeland security, and counterterrorism.  Her exposure to classified material may rival even Biden's.

    She's also the commander in chief of the Alaska State Defense Force (ASDF), a federally recognized militia incorporated into Homeland Security's counterterrorism plans.

    Palin is privy to military and intelligence secrets that are vital to the entire country's defense.  Given Alaska's proximity to Russia, she may have security clearances we don't even know about.

  8. Obama has never been the governor of ANYTHING.  He has not even run a business, much less a state!

    A man who has only one term in the senate is NOT experienced enough to be a president. It's as simple as that.

  9. She has more EXECUTIVE experience, and that's what really counts

    The presidency and our government is about GOVERNING...Obama has never done that, Palin has:

    A governor is basically the 'president' of their state...They have the same responsibilities as a president (balancing budgets, raising/lowering taxes, approving or vetoing state bills, etcetera...They even have a 'cabinet'), just on a state level rather than federal...So she already does what a president does, just on a much smaller scale...That's why everyone points out her 'executive experience', which Obama, Biden and McCain (and even Hillary) do not have.

  10. It's because unlike McCain, Obama or Biden, Palin has actual Executive experience. She has run the business of the people of the State of Alaska. This experience is vital to the executive branch of our government. It's why we rarely elect Senators or Congressmen as Presidents.

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