
Why do people think that drinking diet coke helps lose weight?

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It's actually unhealthier than normal coke.




  1. A diet coke = zero calories

    A regular coke = 160 calories

    If you have five a day, that is 630 calories before you have actually eaten anything.

  2. it helps them "lose weight" because it doesn't have the calories of regular coke, and at the same time it may have a mental benefit of telling them to exercise to help their weight loss cause.  it doesn't actually help you lose weight physically, but for some people it can mentally.

  3. While this may be true the purpose is weight loss.  People are substituting a diet soda-0 calories-for a regular soda-130 calories.  Depending on how many a day can add up to a caloric decrease helping in weight loss.

  4. Diet coke is a gimmick!

  5. I think it tastes better, I like that it is not as sweet as regular coke.  I know many people that drink it for that reason alone.

  6. it is just no calories that they are taking in,,,, it is not healthier,,, just going with calorie count

  7. beacuse it has the word diet...haha

  8. i dunno maybe  because it says diet  on it!....

  9. Because they are conned into thinking so by marketing. Oooh it's a diet coke so if I drink 900 I'll lose 20 stone... They don't realise the nasty chemicals that are in there which basically mess up your body - the sweetners used mean you get an insulin spike which inhibits fat burners and they mean you don't feel full even when you are - it's not all about cutting calories. The fools, I'm glad you realise and I hope you spread the word to anyone on a diet!

  10. I don't drink soda, they are all unhealthy.

  11. Because the naive consumer believes anything with the word "DIET" on it is healthier than other varieties which are "non-Diet" products..when if fact they can be just as un-healthy.. or more so

  12. Because it has no calories but a person I know actually gained weight drinking a lot of diet coke (with a healthy low-fat diet). Strange huh?

    On oprah, dr ozz said that it doesn't make you gain weight but it has a lot of chemicals that stops you from losing weight as well as being so acidic that it starts eating the lining of your stomach and stretches it out. But it can heal over time if you stop drinking it.

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