
Why do people think that our troops are doing terrible things over in iraq?

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My brother was in the Military so i know what its like to have someone you love over in iraq fighting for my life and the life's of others. Its hard being away from someone you love yet why do people constantly criticize our troops? Don't they realize they are fighting for OUR freedom. They are fighting for those peoples opportunities to express their opinions and this is how those individuals repay them. How could they feel that way?




  1. Because misery sells and the US media neglects to mention the wells that have been dug, the schools built, the children that have been fed, the people were once homeless that now have a warm dry place to sleep. They fail to mention the thousands of miles of road and communication lines that have been put in place. They neglect to talk about the number of children that have been vaccinated against childhood diseases that still existed under the Hussein regime and the women that can now attend school and get an education.  They don't want to talk about the good things because they may have to admit that we are over there for more than just oil, because that wouldn't make them any money.  

  2. Most people who say that are truly American haters . They seem to be cowards and selfish people who don`t care about anyone else having freedom except themselves of course

  3. because we're fed that garbage from the un-american hate the military leftist media everyday. it's that simple.

  4. I wonder the same thing all the time. It' sad how people criticize our country and military for their actions when most people don't have the respect and the sense of honor that those individuals have to even serve and give, in a way ,a thanks to the country that gives them the freedom to criticize it and to live their boring miserable lives.

  5. SOME of them are.

    I do know that the troops were fooled and lied to by the government regarding the intentions behind entering Iraq, just like the rest of the citizens, and they aren't wrong for doing what they thought was right. But not all of their actions are right or good.

  6. because some people are just stuburn and jump to conclusions.yes there are times where innocent people are killed, but its not our troops fault its the enemys fault for ploting ambushs or holding weapons (i mean motars, rpgs, and outher high effective demoltion wepons) inside city where innocent people live.  they dont undestand and wont understand till there in S**t or a love one is.

  7. dc, but still u believe russia is in charge in the recent conflict?

    2 the topicstarter: how does iraq have to deal with UR freedom? by the mysterious disappearing weapons of mass destruction? so cute

    and yeah im not talkin about the soldiers themselves

  8. People are ignorant and believe everything they read on the internet or see on the news

  9. They hate the war and anyone who is fighting in it.  They might say they support the troops and all but deep down they are the same people who spit on US soldiers in the 60s.  They don't  have the guts to do that now unless they are on the internet where they an be deadpotsmoker 71 or something.  

  10. you didn't see the Abu Ghraib pictures?

    how many Iraqi's have died?

    this is not to say that your brother, or someone else, or most of the military is not doing good things.

    but it only takes a couple rotten apples to make the whole barrel smell bad.

    that is a very unfortunate truth.

    that is the way many people around the earth see our being there.

  11. You have no right to violate and rape another country

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