
Why do people think that our troops need saving?

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i'm a proud army wife and my husband is volunteering to go on his 2nd tour of duty in iraq and is hoping to be able to help in afghanistan. why are all these libs always using our service men and women to push their anti-victory agendas?




  1. they should not be dieing for useless purposes

  2. They really do want the U.S. to lose so they can say see we told you we lost rather than have a group that we are proud of.

  3. I am also an army wife and my husband just returned from Iraq and will be going to Afghanistan soon and I agree with you 100%. I also have a brother deploying soon and a brother leaving for basic soon. they all are ready and willing to serve their country. They are proud to go and are ready to fight for their country. I am so tired of this mentality as well. My husband joined voluntarily to give back to America. My brother and cousin joined voluntarily as well. It is just the liberal mentality. Thank you for your question, I often wonder the same thing. I am tired of my husband and his fellow troops being used as an anti war , anti victory speech as well. I know the good they do , my husband has told me stories and I really believe as does he that we need to be there are doing good there.  

  4. Yeah, it really gauls me that they make such a big deal over the casualties (not that I think they shouldn't count) but if you consider the fact that we have been in TWO wars for the last 5 years.... 4000 dead is a remarkably low number.

    How many young men, women AND children have died on our highways and byways in that time.... and yet where is the public outcry to lower speed limits and stiff penalties for unsafe driving practices? Oh that's right.... that would interfere with their very important busy lives .... so THOSE young people are just a necessary sacrifice.

    As for the war in Iraq being right or wrong... it doesn't matter anymore... our troops are there and pulling them out before the job is done won't fix anything at all. It's like trying to fix a broken window .... the glass is broken already and you can't unbreak it ... throwing the baseball out from the other side doesn't change a thing.

  5. Kimberly, you are a great wife and a great American. Thank you for sacrificing your marriage and husband for our country.

    I don't know why these liberals hate our country but our troops are getting the job done, support or not. Thank you for your sacrifices. You're husband is a true American and I thank him.

  6. Actually admitting that Iraq is going well will mean that they have to admit the war was right and they were wrong.  They can't have that in a political season.  Just look at the way Obama is denying the truth about Iraq.  

  7. Because they are fighting a war that is for no reason

    because people would rather defend their country then go into another one to kill people just because we thought there were weapons of mass destruction.

    because its stupid of bush to get in another country's business and let our troops die for somebody elses country...

  8. Duh..because people are dying over there..Not to mention that this war is quite expensive.

  9. There was another soldier's wife on here a couple of days ago asking people to help her make sense of the fact that her husband hated the war, thought it was a waste of time and money... and lives... but he was going back for the money... and their marriage was ending.

    So you sure don't speak for all soldiers or all wives of soldiers.

    Speak for yourself.

  10. After the politicians who started the conflict have served, I would be

    willing to serve as well.

    One life lost in a useless conflict is one life too many.

    Thank your husband for risking his life for the rest of us.

    And by the way I am not a liberal either.

  11. I am a proud army wife also, but I do not want my husband fighting a war made up of lies. I would not mind if we were in a war that should be. Our soldiers should have invaded Afghanistan and killed Bin

    ladden in the first place not Iraq! My husband and yours should not be fighting a war for Bush and his oil. We all know that the Iraq war is all about the oil and money. The troops don't need saving but they should not be put in harmsway for selfish reasons. Kwim.

  12. Perhaps they don't have much faith in the abilities of the soldiers.

  13. It's not that anyone wants to lose this war! Who are we fighting and what is our objective? I have friends and family that served in the Military! Ask the Vet's and ask our troops then they will tell you that the War is stupid! Dam it Iran is killing them and we cant fight back! MERCENARIES are fighting our troops while the laden family and the Saudis are getting rich while Bush is counting his money in the Bank! God Bless our Men and women and may they be safe!  Bush is a murder and a corrupt man who lied and cheated to be president!

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