
Why do people think that people from countries like spain, italy, portugal greece france arent white they eu?

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Why do people think that people from countries like spain, italy, portugal greece france arent white they eu?




  1. France ? What is France doing on that list ?

  2. They have a different shade of white skin because of where they are located on the globe.

    The sun hits them more than people in like northern europe and noortth north america.

  3. I would consider them of olive complexion.

    France is on the list because of it's closeness to Africa/Portugal.

  4. The reason is because of the invasion of the Moors after the fall of the Roman Empire. The Moors were a black civilization from Africa. Due to interbreeding of races, people from the areas that you have named, have a darker complexion. Its just like interracial children today. They really dont belong to either parents race, but rather a hybrid race. But we are all human, so who cares.

  5. They are all Caucasian don't know of anyone that considers them anything but.

  6. I don't know. When I think of black people, I think of people from African countries.

    It's like most people from Asian countries are called 'yellow' lol.

    It's just easier than saying slightly tanned with different facial characteristics.


    Also, I suppose people from hotter European countries are called white because the majority of Europeans are lighter skinned than the darker continents.

  7. They are latin and have some semetic relation.  They are still caucasions, but just a little darker.

  8. because alot of them have higher melanin content and small percentages of sub saharan and non european dna.

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