
Why do people think that people from india eat mice and monkey brain?

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well one lady asked me, is it a delicacy to eat monkey brain in india, I dont know why she asked that baseless question, infact in china I have seen that they sell fried scorpions in the market and my dad had a cambodian coworker that said that he had eaten mouse many times in cambodia




  1. two words INDIANA JONES

  2. people are extremely ignorant. they don't use their brains, read and educate themselves and base their knowledge on what the media feeds them.

    simply answer them with a yes or no and move on. it's not worth it. I am not Indian, but I have had my share fare of stupid questions. just laugh at them and move on

  3. I've never known anyone to think that.

    In fact many people from India are vegetarian.

  4. Some people are ignorant, and just jump up to conclusions of racial slurs. If I were to go to India, the ignorant ones would say I eat dog, and elephant (hiney lol) but the ones who actually know someone in America might say wrong

    That then starts an argument that could spread across India making everyone think I eat dog and elephant (hiney).

    Thats why people think that

  5. INDIANA JONES!!!! it's in the movie "temple of doom" where they serve "chilled monkey brains" and "snake surprise".

    Well monkeys are sacred in India, and most people are utterly stupid.  Some people get their education from TV !

  6. i think she was mistaking that for the oriental cuisines..definitiely not indian. maybe because monkeys are quite common in India...dont know why she thought that, but clearly she's wrong.

  7. Actually there is a group of people in India that hunt and eat rats for a living.  People pay them to help get rid of their rats, and they actually do cook them and eat them.  The early Polynesians took a large, rat-like rodent with them, when they explored and settled the South Sea islands.  It was a domestic animal that they ate as a meat source (like some people raise and eat rabbits).

    Monkey brains probably has a very small fan club, however.

  8. I never thought that until you just said it.

  9. beats me.  prejudice is everywhere and is based on and fueled by ignorance.

  10. i thought that too about the monkey brain....and i thought that because i saw it in "Indiana Jones, Temple of Doom".

    if you saw that movie you would know what im talking about.

    they eat eyeball soup and suck out the insides of big black beetles. but thats my only reference....movies huh?

  11. indiana jones....

  12. thats because some indiana jones movie portrayed indians as eating all sorts of weird things .. idiots didnt know that half of the indians are vegetarians.

  13. Indiana Jones ate monkey brains on one of his excusions into India

  14. That's a idiotic fallacy from the old Indiana Jones 3 movie!

    India is mostly VEGETARIAN and has been for centuries!

    Monkeys are intelligent animals that are worshipped and respected in India, NOT CONSUMED!!

  15. Mice? Never heard that, but I have heard of monkey brain, and I've eaten sheep's brain. By the way, I'm a white Anglo-Saxon Brit.

  16. I personally do not think that Indians eat monkey brains but in an Indiana Jones movie he was served monkey brains on an adventure in India.

  17. Indiana Jones was served monkey brain in Temple of Doom, and it was featured in Faces of Death as well so maybe thats were they got it from.


  19. Indiana Jones. People love to take things that they see on TV and movies as facts.

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