
Why do people think that strippers or go go dancers have no pride or self-esteem?

by Guest44861  |  earlier

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I was just browsing some questions and I found some answers to questions about strippers in which people were saying that they have no self respect and similar things...I have been a go go dancer for 4 months and I was warned that it would change me (my mother always told me I would feel bad about myself afterwards). It has changed me...I have become more confident, learned that I dont need a man, I make tons of money, and have ALOT of fun everynight I work. THese are just some of the benefits I have had. So anyone who talks bad about strippers or dancers must be jealous or feel insecure.

1. Why do guys at work always tell me, "youre much too pretty to be doing this. You could be doing something else."? That makes no sense at all. Would they want to look at ugly girls? Why would I want to do something else when I can dance and drink all night and make 5 times as much money as everyone else?

2. Why do you think people (men and women) say that dancers or strippers have no self esteem?




  1. They do have low self image because they take their clothes off for a living. At what point does one pull up their pants and try on a little dignity? Why do strippers take the easy way out instead of getting a real job like the rest of society? To each their own. I just personally prefer a college education and an honest pay check is all. There is a negative connotationn and image that comes with that profession. Get a life coach if youre so concerned about it. As a woman it shames me to see other women do such degrading things with their lives while other women are trying to break the glass cieling.

    Good luck with yourself.

  2. I'm not sure about pride...but they must have loads of self-esteem to get up there in front of whoever wants to see...

  3. ....i am sure their comments are based in thier own projections of fear and lack of success are creating a huge success in your own world, why let little people bother you? not pay any mind to others and enjoy what you do! will find so many well educated, nice gentlemen, and one day you can settle down and have an excelllent party house with a pool and a butler and a maid, and most of all, you will be who you are!

    .....this country is free!!!!!

    (oil it and use it free!)

  4. No i dont think this...its a legal job...and besides you could be someone who absolutely doesnt have a job and be a burden to society

  5. Bottom line, most people dont think you are only dancing.  Most people think that most exotic dancers are also prostituting on the side. Or, that you have to strip because its the only way to pay for your expensive drug habbit.   And then, although I do not share the idea, but a lot of people think prostitution is horrible and their all drug addicts.

    So basically, most people think it is not reputable because they think most people in this industry are crack whores.

    EDIT:  I wasnt thinking about the women who think it is degrading to them.  Most of the time, as long as it is honestly the womans own choice and not being forced, I dont see it as degrading. Why is it wrong to make money for who we are?  Im not a stripper, but if I were, I wouldnt care that people thought I was a crack w***e.  I mean, so what, i know Im not.  

    But some think about stripping, and see a woman being forced into it, hating it, taking all the men's cat calls, and think of all the things those men are saying about her.  They see it as you furthering and encouraging the thought that woman are just peices, and s*x is the only thing they are good at.

  6. They do it because they need money and have little to no other talent.

    And, don't want to work at Mcdonalds or Walmart.

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