
Why do people think the Jonas Brothers are cute and talented??

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I think they are annoying and eveyone thinks the youngest is the cutest but i think he is the ugliest




  1. Because young people are gullible and will buy whatever c**p is being pushed at them as the next new "in" thing -- Miley Cyrus being another case in point.  

  2. i really like them! and i think there all really cutee!

    but i like Joe <33

  3. they arent cute and talented

    they are hot and talented


  4. Well, most of the fans

    are really young, so yeah,

    their going too like them.

    And it always has too be

    the youngest of the band.

  5. Same here! They like them because they are brainwashed and have virtually no social life.

  6. The music is for people who have tastes that have not matured yet, Ex: Young teens, tweens

    And people have different opinions on appearance,  but they have people who put makeup on them, do their hair, and dress them,  so it makes them look a whole lot cuter

  7. i think theyre hot cause i do. just like you dont cause you dont. but the youngest, Nick, is the most talented, the others are good and keep getting better

  8. i agree with you, i seriously don't think nick is cute, i mean how can one even tell, he's only 15 right? and miley cyrus said they were "in love for 2 years..." HELLO! two years ago they were 13!!

    besides i don't think he has a good voice either

    but joe is alright when it comes to looks, i even like his voice.

    and kevin seems funny,

  9. cause we have eyes and ears and everyone with normal ones can easily see how hot and how talented they are

  10. same !  

  11. Wouldn't this be a boring world if everyone had the same taste?

    So what if people like them. Most of their fans are young girls, they're not hurting anyone by liking the Jonas Brothers, just let them be.

    Is it really that big of  a deal if someone doesn't like the same band as you? You anti Jonas people are making a big deal over nothing.

    Do you guys think by coming on here and saying that they have no talent or that they're ugly and "g*y" that you're going to make the fans stop liking them? I really don't see the point for so much hate and bashing. What you're doing is just pointless.

    What exactly are you people trying to accomplish?

  12. Disney brainwashes them end of story.

  13. 'cause people have different opinions.

  14. Because little girls like anyone on T.V. they don't know better yet.

  15. they talentless works of ****

  16. BECAUSE THEY ARE DUMBAS*!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. That's your opinion we like them because we do if you dont like them why do u waste 5 points asking something you should know by know. not trying to be rude but come on...

  18. Because they're all blind and deaf?

    But seriously....I agree. Nick is really ugly too. The only one who is remotely attractive is Joe Jonas.

    If you wanna see something really funny, you should look up Chelsea Lately Interviews the Jonas Brothers on youtube. It's hilarious!!

  19. Bad taste in boys and music I presume

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