
Why do people think the USA got to be a great country without tradition?

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How do you justify this perspective?




  1. I never though tradition was all that people think its cracked up to be.  Tradition has drawn people away from Bible teachings and dabble in the accult, pagandom, and false teachings.  People dont want to give up their traditional habits because they become comfortable with them or has become habit forming.  I dont think traditiion has anything to do with success or positive accomplishments.  I think its bascally a foundation of weakness.

  2. Not all traditions have the same meaning.

    As a African American the confederate flag has a different meaning to me than some white southerns.

    As a Native American the  usageof an Indian runnig wild as a mascott is offensive.

    Think about this in the early 19th century American would celebrate the 4th of July and celebrate freedom but own slaves.

    It depends on the tradition all American traditions are not good. All are not inclusive.

  3. I guess it depends on what you're thinking of when you say tradition...religion, politics, lifstyle?  

    If you want to look at the transition into becoming a superpower, that was technically a break in tradition...the U.S. traditionally avoided a lot of foreign involvement (not to say there wasn't any).  That changed a little in WWI but the path to becoming a world power was set in WWII when the U.S. essentially discarded that philosophy.  

    Looking at the religion point, it might be that people are thinking of the Puritan influence which in some ways has stuck but it would be kinda hard to consider that a tradition since few people are that strict anymore.  

    There are so many elements someone could consider a tradition, I guess the answer depends on which you pick?

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