
Why do people think the play pool better drunk ?

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Why do people think the play pool better drunk ?




  1. i don't know but for some reason i genuinley believe i do!

  2. Dude that is a redundant question, just replace "play pool" with drive or anything else for that matter and you have your answer.

  3. Are you speaking English?

  4. Because they just happen to be able to hold their alcohol better than other, more drunk people.

  5. Why do people type to gooder when the are drunk?

  6. Because, for the same reason that they think they are better lovers.

    This is my help from Washington, D.C. United States of America.

  7. Because they're drunk.  You lose sense of perspective.

    Incidentally I couldn't play much worse drunk than I do sober so the odd tipple can only improve my game.

  8. true pool 2" from top pocket..white cue ball 2" behind in a sr8 line (end of 3 red break)..hit cue ball slowly in opposite direction off back cushion..walked back to seat and sank pint while black slowly sank on rebound! That guy was really of pub collapsed in laughter and applause!

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