
Why do people think the wtc was an inside job?

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Why do people think the wtc was an inside job?




  1. I'd like to think it was that people can't believe our government was that dumb to let it happen. The guys in Massachusetts went through the tolls without paying 4 days in a row if I remember correctly. You think the cameras would have picked it up and someone would have done something. It is a bit odd. Nothing would surprise anyone anymore. It comes down to an issue of trust. Do you trust our government?  I don't.

  2. It WAS an inside job!

    The government is the only organization that could have pulled it off.  Think about it.  How could Osama have made Norad stand down?  Did Osama cause the government to have 'terrorist drills' that enacted the same exact scenario  that actually happened that day?  There's just too many coincidences.. it's unbelievable.

    And how did those alleged hijackers pilot those jets so expertly into the towers?  When most pilots say they can't perform those maneuvers themselves?  According to the flight schools that these 'hijackers' attended ,they wouldn't be able to fly those jets much less fly them into buildings.

  3. Video of explosions on the sides of the buildings as it was attacked.  Watch the movie "Loose Change" and maybe you can see why some would think that.

  4. The hate that they have for President Bush and all Republicans to start with and the fear of believing anything that the government says.

    Oh and for the person who wants everyone to see "Loose Change" they have said that they have had so many errors in that fakeumentary but wanted to get people to think that it was an inside job.

    The 2003 Popular Mechanic Magazine, March issue, disproves ALL of the falsehoods of this fakeumentary and the lies that Micheal Moore have put out.  This includes Rosie and her nutty friends in Hollywood.

  5. They are in denial? They can not comprehend other countries are as smart as we are?Ignorance knows not the bounds of a coastline?It could be anything but when someone actually quoted a made after the event Hollywood movie as fact and our TV screens as lies well that's downright SCARY.

  6. first  the  imformation you  have  , compare  the two  and see the difference........

  7. Either,

    1. it was an inside job, or

    2. the government knew about it, let it happen and took steps to magnify the impact

    It was one of the two.

    Why?  There are too many coincidences.  One or two or six coincidences - OK I'll go with it.  But there are so many bizarre coincidences when added together they cast a black shadow of doubt onto the official story.  Some things that make me suspicious include

    - no official explanation offered for the collapse of the third tower, tower 7

    - the "magical" passports found in perfect condition at the base of the towers and in the field in PA, all in perfect condition for the FBI to find

    - the coincidence of the war games happening at the same time

    - I find it totally unbelievable that our air defenses would be totally vacant - just at that exact critical moment.

    - that all of the evidence was quickly cleaned off and taken away to prevent a proper investigation

    - that the head of the 9/11 Commission was a Bush implant

    - that Bush's relatives had the contract for security at the World Trade Centre

    I could go on, but will stop there.

    For me to buy the government's bill of goods, I need much better answers than the answers given so far.

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