
Why do people think vampires arnt real ?

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Why do people think vampires arnt real ?




  1. because they dont freaking egeazist

  2. They totally do exist, I'm one, so I should know.

  3. because there not.

    i'm a little worried about you...  

  4. A) Because blood is not a source of nutrition; therefore people cannot live on blood alone.

    B) The sun cannot turn people into ash, no matter what skin conditions they have.

    C) Scientifically, cells cannot hold out forever. By extension, no one can live forever.

  5. i cant believe your even aloud to be on the internet by your self

    if you want people to take you seriously start thinking before you open your mouth

    there are so many reason why vampires ain't real it baffles me that any body in the year 2008 could still believe in it

    here's a true history lesson for you fact one the vampire legend most of the "true" events were cobbled together by people like bram stoker who took some thing that really did happen in history like vlad and twisted until a work of prue fiction came out

    lets not forget the always true shift in lore

    when people were finally starting to belive that blood sucking undead weren't real the psyic vampire shows up

    these cocos take the debunk of vampire remove them from the story and now there a  brand new species (who have been around just as long)

    if you want to blindly except what other will tell you then go on but if you ever want to form your own opinion try using your head then decide what you believe  in  

  6. for perfectly logical reasons. the same reasons that people dont believe in magic, or that people dont believe in god, or that people dont believe that other people can be psychic. it isnt logical. some even go beyond the laws of physics. im not saying they are right, a lot of those things are real, but you must respect their thought process. they are not naive or foolish, and without people like them, the world would be in shambles.

  7. Maybe because vampires are, in fact, not freakin real!

    Go cry, emo kid.  

  8. cause their fake dumb***. Try going a week without blood and darkness. And yeah, you will live. you are so annoying, get off yahoo and read a book.

  9. For the same reason that most people don't think that Harry Potter or Mickey Mouse are real.

    For the same reason that most people understand that CSI: Miami is not a documentary about real cops and crooks.

    For the same reason that most people understand that when they play Final Fantasy, they are not actually performing acts in a real world.

    Rational, intelligent people accept that vampires are not real because there is no proof whatsoever that - as depicted in books, movies and so on - vampires actually exist. There may be medical conditions which have some similarities with some of the characteristics ascribed to vampires, but there are no "living dead" which recruit new members by biting them.

    Remember that it is impossible to prove a negative: nobody can prove that a vampire does NOT exist somewhere in the world. But this definitely does not mean that one must exist.

    If you wanted to believe that Harry Potter and all his Hogwarts chums were real, nobody could prove that they do not exist. If you truly wanted to persist in this delusion, you could convince yourself that J.K.Rowling did not invent the story but rather was recounting facts. Nobody, not even J.K.Rowling herself, could prove you wrong in this since, if you were inventive enough, you would always be able to find some way of explaining away any evidence she might produce for her authorship of the tales.

    Similarly, if you want to believe in vampires, nobody can prove you wrong. However, don't expect rational people to buy into your fantasy or to think you are very wise for holding such beliefs.

  10. A better question is, why do people think they are real when they are obviously fictional.

  11. Possibility of imortals  vampires for example the theoy of creature may have orgins in the bible pagans worshiped and copied the creature  known as posiable dragune demi god a angle wich fell from heven a demon who fathered a human hybrid Lilith but this demon hybrid was loved by god and promised eternity  in edom in the book of Isaiah "The wild beasts of the desert shall also meet with the wild beasts of the island, and the satyr shall cry to his fellow; the screech owl also shall rest there, and find for herself a place of rest."

  12. Because if they were and existed millions of years ago.  Wouldnt by now they would have sucked all of us and we would all be vampires right this moment.  We did this thing in class and it totally proved to every one they werent real.  Though I do not wish to mess with your beliefs so you can imagine whatever you would like.  Love and Light.

  13. I'll give you two reasons:



  14. There are real people who *think* they need blood.

    They are pathetic.

  15. Vampires only exist in movies and books. Not in reality. ..

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