
Why do people thrive on being the most intelligent or knowledgeable person??

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don't get me wrong...knowledge is valuable and i strive to be more each day...but some people feel they have to know the ins and outs of every aspect of the world...could the downside be they may lacking, soon, if not now, at some point, emotional/social intelligence???




  1. a lust for knowledge can make you feel like a kid in a candy store when you find a good source

  2. Could it be just that they have an innate curiousity and like to learn as much as they can about all that they can?

    I usually find that these people have great empathy with others and are always doing what they can for all they meet.

  3. You're right in the emotional/social sense. Sometimes, and I emphasize sometimes, people use knowledge as a fuel for an already existing arrogant trait. Sometimes people who don't know how, or are afraid to relate to people, use arrogance as a mask to conceal social relating faults. To put forth the impression that one has extensive knowledge when in a social setting, sometimes is to imply that person is above the normal criteria in which character judgments are made. Thus bypassing being critically evaluated. Of course, in reality, it doesn't work that way, and can backfire creating an opposite and negative first impression.

  4. I think we as humans desire to learn. For those who don't seek knowledge, ignorance is bliss.

    Ignorance is deception in disguise. It's a way for people to dumb down, because they cannot handle the harsh realities of life.

    For those who desire to learn the ins and outs, it's not that they don't desire social/emotional intelligence, it's just that their agenda is to learn the most so that they can make a greater impact for society in a more pro-social way, we hope.

  5. You can learn emotional and social intelligence by being knowledgeable.  It's easier to learn those skills by reading those tips from books and net than trying to figure out strategies from reallife experience.  It's called collective intelligence, why bother figure something out when it's been worked out by million more people over thousands of years of history.  Are you saying that you are smarter than that?

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