
Why do people thumb you down when you say that Catholics are Christians?

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Not even just referring to fundie Chris. The thumbs downs for this very straightfoward and basic statement are much higher than they should be for a factual statement.




  1. No matter what you say some people hate it, I answered a question by saying I wanted my daughter to research all religions and she should choose what to believe or not believe, and I got thumbs down

  2. I can't imagine why. Catholics are obviously Christians, whether one likes Catholicism or not.

    However, there are fundies who call themselves "Christians" in an exclusive sense - that is, no one who doesn't believe they way they do is really a Christian. From their point of view, Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, Anglicans, and mainstream Protestants are all not Christians.

  3. internal confusion in what is already a confused bunch of people who base their beliefs on humanized astrological symbolisms,that were meant to confuse them ,is no more than can be expected.

    Technically speaking if you follow the concept of Christ you will be a Christian.

    No matter what branch of this belief.

    Catholics,protestants ,Jehovah's witnesses,Rosicrucian's ,Mormons ,Lutherans,re-borns,,etc etc etc.

    If you advocate Jesus was a person ,not the Sun ,you are a Christian

    may it be officially or under the table.

  4. Because they are confused!

  5. I guess they don't like truth.

  6. I don't know. Many people (non-Catholic Christians included) are ignorant to the fact that the Catholic Church is THE Church in which Jesus Christ Himself established. They fail to recognize the Biblical and historical facts and events which clearly point this out.  

  7. I get thumbs down just for stating I'm Catholic...

  8. Praying to Mary and the saints on our behalf is idolatry. Bowing in front of wafer and crossing oneself is Idolatry.  The only way to the Father is through the son Jesus.  Depending on a pope to make spiritual decisions for you is wrong also...we are to depend solely on the word of God through the Holy Spirit to lead us in this life.  Otherwise was was the point of Jesus sending us the comforter and counselor in the first place if we were just going to elect some pope to whom we are to be accountable. We are accountable only to God(our only Father in Heaven)....We confess are sins only to God where Jesus is our mediator not some priest..  

  9. because they are idiots and obviously do not know ANYTHING about religion...

  10. People thumb me down 'cause I am a Christian.

    That's all i'm worried about.

  11. Im curious to see that answer and the thumbs.  

    Honestly, it has been my experience that saying Catholics arent Christians receive more thumbs down.  I know for certain that many atheists and pagans were once Catholics and they tend to support the Catholics much more than the Protestants.

  12. They don't know what they believe so they feel the need to define themselves and yet they still get it wrong because in the end ignorance is ignorance. If you refuse to know the history of things you will never truly know anything.

  13. I don't know why they would do that.  Catholics are Christians.  They believe in Jesus as Savior.  The bible is the same.  There are many different practices in catholism than I am accustomed to.  I don't know if I am a fundi or not.  I love the Lord and read the bible.  I live what I recieve from the Lord.  I think that Christians spend to much time seperating themselves and fussing about doctrine.  If you believe in the only begotten Son of God you shall not perish but have everlasting life.  That is the way I see it.

  14. Whats even funnier is when I mention just the word Catholic, I get lots of thumbs down, especially if I say I am a Catholic

  15. It is odd.  We are the Original Christians, to boot.

  16. I always give that answer and get the same thumbs down.  Fundies are taught that Catholics aren't Christian.  It is idiotic, but mabye some day they will do their own work.

  17. There's a lot of ignorant hatred of Catholics by other Christians.

    They are just uneducated.

  18. Prejiduce and bias mostly.  There are an awful lot of protestants who learned everything they know - or don't - about the RC from Chick tracts.  

    Frankly, this Lutheran is sick and tired of Catholic bashing.  

  19. All Catholics are Christian

  20. Because people are stupid and religion is a lie

  21. I get a little chuckle out of it.  

    Infighting between Christians is sad, but relativism is more dangerous.  I would be worried if all my answers got nothing but would mean I was not telling the truth in order to avoid stepping on toes.

  22. many people don't know history/facts and many deny simple truths.

    many do thumb down facts if they oppose those facts - I can probably find a few examples of this easily

  23. because they all don't know what's going on.

  24. I find it odd that Christians are expected to respect the beliefs of other religions and non-believers, yet they are disrespectful to us about our beliefs. Why give a thumbs down or a hateful statement? Could you not just say, "I'm not a Christian, so let's agree to disagree"? I don't see how putting someone down for his/her beliefs gets your point across any more effectively. It is possible for people to state their views without persecuting others.  

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