
Why do people thumbs down others even when their answers are good.

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  1. Jealousy or immaturity!!!! or sometimes just good old plain disagreement!!!

  2. it's usually because they don't like the contributor or because of who they support,as wee suzie said us blue ladies generally get them in abundance including wee ger,she can't even ask a question without getting a violation most of the time.I once got 9 thumbs down for one of my answers but still got picked as best answer.I for one have given up trying to figure them out.

  3. sarcasm !!


  4. People do that for all sorts of reasons, in any topic. You'll find it that it mostly occur in opinionated questions because one does not like or agree with someone else's opinions.

    When someone answers with a fact on a question where a correct answer is required, then that is just so immature.

  5. weird,even outside scottish football Qs correct answers get thumbs down,same as questions,I asked  a Q about best soccer match ever,my preference was W.Germany V France,got 4 ans.some clown mentions pixies ,orcs ,shite like that gets 20 answers,whats the point

  6. coz they are sad. mind you a thumbs doon is  ok for me as i usually get reported.

  7. I imagine, it's a number of things, such as havin a go at somebodys question, the fitba team yi support, got in tae a rant wi somebody previously.

    It really is kiddies stuff, a mean away an git a life, mind you some folk canny handle the truth or a different perspective.

    Sayin that, I've given straightforward answers tae questions, something like "when is the draw for the 3rd Qualifying round o the champions league" a've answered wi the correct date and time and still got a thumbs doon!!!? Fhannys.

  8. FUC EM

    they are up their ain erses and i've no got time for the romans

  9. they cannot handle our superior wit and on the football section i think its down to which team you support..although us lassies do get picked thumb up good answers no matter who its from i only thumb down really nasty ones...but if it makes them happy leave them to it..the more thumbs down the more you've got to wee opinion..i try and ignore it but i will admit sometimes..when its for no good reason it is annoying..x

  10. i don't let it bother me

    whatever keeps them happy  

  11. it is quite sad, just people being daft really

  12. cos they r inadequate.simple really.sad but troo

  13. Maybe if we dont bring it up they'll get bored and a life!?

    i have only thumbed down the guy on the predictor who are just wollopers and have no clue what there on about.

    Also sometimes bigots

  14. wish i knew the answer to this question. I guess some people just don't appreciate the thought some give to their answers. I'll be waiting for the thumbs down on this one now. Why!!!!!

  15. It does not only happen to you wee lessie's that follow Ranger's. It happened to all of us. But I think people that gives the thumbs down for people honest thoughts are a little harsh, fair enough if you don't agree with what is being saying but you don't have to give the thumb's down for an honest answer in one's eye.

  16. canny work it out myself just spite and no respect for others views i have my own views and sometime folk dont like it but i only thumbs down nasty comments or over unjustified confidence ie septics gonti win everything this year, i am Rangers till i die but i can honestly say i wouldn't even chance makeing such a bold statement its just pigheadedness and silly

  17. spitefulness.. or cos the person is in a bad mood or somethin i dunno

  18. its either they envy the answer or just been arrogant

  19. some folk just give me thumbs down all the time, but don't mind.just a laugh.

  20. Jealousy, spitefulness, and a general dislike for the contributor

  21. don't know why but there is plenty in this section especially bluebell who does not deserve it  

  22. Because people hate the rangers's lasses. I notice that bluebell,bluenose and me get a lot of thumbs down

  23. I changed my name to Tom Thumb on here cos it happened to me so often..but hey I must get to them so I don't care anymore!!

  24. because they wish they had thought of the answer and they are sad people with not much in their lives so this gives them the only power they are likely to get, so sad! I have never felt the need to give a thumbs down if I disagree but I give thumbs up if I agree.

  25. out of spite, envy or just for the h**l of it

  26. Because they are sad lonely little individuals, who clearly do not have one brain cell...thumbs down count for nothing ...thumb away I dont care! x

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