
Why do people trash Al Gore? Most people only know about Global Warming because of him.?

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I think it is funny that people put down Al Gore, when there is a good chance they only learned about Global Warming because of him. Why do people feel the need to make fun of him? Is it because he is smarter than them and has done a lot with his life? Is it because he is a Democrat? People realize if the government had taken Global Warming seriously back in the '80's they would have gotten the main auto companies to start building more green cars and this would have helped lessen our dependence on oil and the price of oil would not be affecting so many people today. Anyone remember the energy crisis of the '70's? After that, the government stepped in and got the auto industry to start making much more fuel effecient cars. I don't think Al Gore and Global Warming is so stupid, reducing emissions can benefit us in so many ways other than just environmental.




  1. Reduce emissions all you want. Have a good time.

    Don't tell me that I have to follow in your footsteps.

    He is a man who is making millions on Global warming and is one of the biggest hypocrites going. His mansion, jet-setting, carbon offsets, all add up to a man who has more to lose if global warming is disproved than he stands to gain. That tells you a lot about a persons motives.

    Everyone talks about the deniers having monetary reasons for taking their position but it is the opposite that is reality. Those working to prove that it is happening are making more off it.

  2. Global Warming is the biggest load of bull #$#$# that has hit this country in a long time... now its called "environmental change" cause global warming failed to make sense other than the Earth has been pulling out of a small ice age

    a lot of the problems we are in now wouldn't have been problems if it hadn't been for eco-nut fear mongering over global warming and the like

  3. Not entirely correct.  People knew about global warming LONG before An Inconvenient Truth was released.  There was this action/adventure cartoon that came out 18 years ago called Captain Planet and the Planeteers who was teaching kids the dangers in pollution and the benefits of recycling and so forth.

    But trashing Al Gore is probably because they refuse to believe in an extraordinary claim such as global warming and climate change.  Just as there are those who refuse to believe that humanity landed on the moon, despite the irrefutable evidence.  A little thing called denial and use what ever bit of evidence they can find to denounce it.

    Take a look at Tim Patterson, paleoclimatologist and Professor of Geology at Carleton University in Canada

    He claims that since that 480 million years ago, CO2 levels were a lot higher than they are today, but the Earth was much cooler.  But did he consider the possibility that there may have been a violent volcanic activity or an asteroid impact at that time?  Either one can not only increase CO2 levels, but also raise tonnes of dirt and smoke into the atmosphere that it would block the sun and prevent sunlight from heating the Earth.

    Not just denial, but chose to ignore the problem cause it interferes with their "daily luxary."  Like driving without a second thought, fast foods, playing loud stereos, or even playing on the computer, like what we are doing now.

  4. Probably because he's the biggest hypocrite out there.

    His family wealth came from and continues to come from ownership of a good share of Occidental Petroleum.

    His home is larger than he needs and for what he is advocating as far as reducing our Carbon Footprint.

    He was criticizing Bush when the Bush Residence is far greener than the Gore Residence.

    After Gore installed Green Technology to his Residence...he increased Energy Usage by 10%!

    Gore did nothing about Global Warming during the entire Clinton-Gore Administration.

  5. It's just mob mentality with underpinnings of fear.

  6. For the same reason people trash Bush, he is a politician.  His energy consumption also makes him a hypocrite.

  7. Do you denial gangstas just paruse the environmental neighborhood to lambast everyone who wants to be pro-active??  I'm just so tired of reading your vehemently shrill posturing...must you ALWAYS be so ANGRY, Please just give an opinion without the drama?  I mean your level of agitation is like a PETA nut!  

    Everyone has a right to their opinion, I am FOR the world recognizing the contribution of Gore and FOR the Entire world (not just so-called) developed countries addressing this Effluent that is destroying our environment.

  8. You don't have to be a scientist or a politician to care and try do something about it.  This is about helping everyone be Aware and working together for a common goal.

    The problem stems from being partisan-thinking you know everything, also people who are in denial and then the ones who don't wish to work together for whatever reason.  Basically stubborn people.  It's sad.

    People may not like Gore, he's not perfect, but he inspired many others.  He deserved the Nobel prize.  

    Link below to his acceptance:

  9. People trash him because its a lot easier to dismiss findings as farce rather than believe the world needs immediate change. its almost pure neglect. of ALL the things i've learned in school, global warming is almost the only one to be contested/rejected with so much scientific proof (so simple it can be explained to a sixth grader).

    'You see in the 1800's and early 1900's settlers and loggers wiped out a lot of the trees. In the 1950's the boy scouts and other folks started planting trees.. Today there are less power plants and they release a product that is a lot cleaner.'

    April T-- it is hard to believe that the amount of trees planted by the boy scouts supersedes that of the amount harvested by timber companies.

    also, i'm not sure if you're aware-- but almost half the electricity that we get in our homes and office buildings is still derived from coal.

  10. Al Gore is a hypocrite.

  11. I believe Al Gores every word. He invented the internet. And the Question mark I think...............

  12. I think that a few people hate Al Gore for a few different reasons. First because he is the "anti-George W. Bush". Gore is articulate, intelligent, and never would have run our economy into the ground or occupied Iraq. These people are upset that they elected Bush and cannot admit that they made a mistake; therefore they feel that they must attack Bush's ex-opponent.

    Second, people that bash Al Gore in relationship to global warming are just ditto-heads and political hacks. These guys probably hear Gore-bashing everyday on the Rush Limbaugh show and on Fox News. They have no original thought, and are just parroting what they've listened to all day.

    Third, they don't understand the science and are too lazy to do any reading on the subject beyond reading a few internet blogs and the Heartland Institute. Since they are unable to have an intellectual discussion, the resort to "ad hominem".

    And last, many of these guys are just immature teenagers who are spamming this forum.

  13. Because he's a liar who has his own carbon trading companies which means he's profiting from the scheme.  To makes things worse, he doesn't "inconvenience" himself and travels in gas-guzzling limos and private jets!  And he only supposedly make changes to his energy wasting mansion after all the criticism by people pointing out his hypocrisy.  That's a spit in the face to people who took his message seriously and were willing to make some sacrifices.  How can we take his message seriously when he doesn't?

    Edit: Y/A now censors the pictures of Al Gore waving from his limo and standing near his jet!  I get an "error message."  

    Here's the limo one (from a previous question):;...

    Profiting from the scam and conflict of interest:

  14. Taking a scientific approach, I researched several scientific databases. After reading the NASA data where they talk about how the surface temperature of all nine planets in the solar system is rising in direct relationship to their distance from the sun (except Jupiter which is also warming from it's own internal heat), and how they measured that - I don't worry about global warming anymore.

    I can't change the heat output of the sun nor the solar cycles, nor can I change the surface temperatures of the other planets. These things are simply beyond my power to even influence.

    Jen, I appreciate your concern, but it's difficult to discuss things with someone who has been lied to as much as you have. I will offer just one example. Please try to take this one as an incentive that you should start questioning everything you're told; I take it you are unaware that cars made in the 1920's get about the same gas mileage as cars made today. Government involvement in the auto business (which it has no constitutional authority to do) is not a solution, it is what caused almost all of the problems, until finally the US automotive industry simply collapsed. Best of luck to you Jen. The Truth will set you free.

  15. One word-  Hypocrite.  

    Oh, and Robert, why are you still on the computer?  Your carbon footprint is getting bigger by the second.

  16. I think it's because people can't believe the fact that global warming is real

  17. Perhaps it is in part, this tale of 2 houses, the link below is from snopes.

  18. I totally agree with u...

    I never knw tht this was an serious issue until i saw 'An Inconvenient Truth' ...

    and i remember each and every thing he says during that  documentry...

    I hate people who makes fun of him ...unlike other politician, he actually made many people believe that this is going to affect us and the future generations...

    People need to open their eyes and do something about it other than making fun of him...

  19. Anyone who works in several fields of science, in the last 30 or so years has known about the possible problem and the evidence over that time has only mounted, this is long before Al Gore and if it were a conspiracy it is a multi generation one as the scientists working on it now are the 2nd or 3rd generation to work on it.

  20. i think its funny that his movie is nothing but far fetched lies and he at one time was getting sued over it because he made it to be a documentary ,until one smart scientist shot all his wrong theorys and lies down

  21. ALGORE is an idiot,that is fact. his crockumentry was a bunch of lies aimed at lowering the standard of living in the US and lining his pockets. It is science that he touts,it is a well thought out is the environmentalist that have made it impossible to get substantial increases in fuel efficiencies.

  22. It is precisely because of his Chicken Little performance that people trash him.  Gore is a politician, not a scientist -- and it shows.  Oh boy, does it show.

  23. Al Gore dosen't know what he's talking about, nor does he seem to believe what he's talking about. Al Gore is not a scientist, meteorologist, or a wheather man, he's a politician. And even if every word he said was 100% completely accurate (which would have been difficult even if he knew anything about the eviroment), he wasn't even convinced enough to stop eating meat, sell his 18 room mansion, and start riding a bike everywhere instead of a personel jet. I have a hard time taking someone seriously when they're actions are the complete opposite of they're words.

  24. Their either to scared to amit he's right or to much in the money making in industries like Oil and gas and such. Either that or their just to plain stupid to see what is happening to the world.

  25. Because he is making money on this farce.  Also, he is costing all of us money every day.  The air in the US is cleaner today than it was 60 years ago.  There are more trees(not because of Al Gore) today in the US.  You see in the 1800's and early 1900's settlers and loggers wiped out a lot of the trees.    In the 1950's the boy scouts and other folks started planting trees.  Also, people used coal and wood for heat in every home and business, therefor the smoke was pretty bad in some places in the US.  The first power plants released pure smoke from coal in the 1940's.  Today there are less power plants and they release a product that is a lot cleaner.

    "There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gasses is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth's atmosphere and disruption of the Earth's climate. Moreover, there is substantial scientific evidence that increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide PRODUCE MANY BENEFICIAL EFFACTS upon the natural plant and animal environments of the Earth.  "  trees and plants need carbon dioxide to thrive

    The Earth may be getting warmer, but it is because of cycles that Earth goes through.  

    I want to make up a good Power Point presentation about a lie and make $25,000 to $50,000 per speech, just like Al Gore.

  26. Maybe because AL Gore is this centuries biggest hypocrite?

    He preaches about a lie. tells all of us to consume less and except a reduced lifestyle, then he does the opposite. He flies in a private jet, lives in a mansion and uses 20 times the energy you our I use (but we are the ones who should conserve?)

    Why does he do all this? Maybe to fund his wallet. Al Gore has pilfered over $100 million from people by advocating the lie. He has been able to sell his movie and books for a profit. He also has a company which earns money by selling carbon credits. Seems to me, he is not "educating" people on AGW, he is promoting his products on AGW.

  27. well...JEN, just how old are you. do you really remember the 70's energy crisis, or the 80's global warming problem.... my guess is that you don't because if you did, then you would know the energy crisis of the 70's was due to the Arab nations controlling the oil output. and the global warming problem.... was NOT global warming... it was an ICE AGE that all the crazies were worried about. not WARMING. Al Gore lives in a big, and I mean big house... just this year did his house become the green house that he's been preaching. for years it was using 10 times what the normal family was using. Do you know how much he had to spend to convert his house so he wouldn't be the big fat hypocrite that everyone was and still is calling him. hundred's of thousands of dollars. can you convert your house like he did??? i doubt it. and not to mention his AERO (F***n) PLANE. how much gas does it use and how much carbon????

    and do you really think that the big companies have changed the way  they do business. they haven't. they all talk about doing their part for the environment, but in reality, they haven't changed anything. the EPA fines them, then they pay huge fines and continue business as usual. if you think differently you are mistaken... you need to get off the bandwagon and wake up.

  28. It is the climate of anti-intellectualism that runs pretty heavy in this country.  Republicans are mostly intensely stupid, self-righteous (often religious) people who really don't want to be told anything.  They're so smart they KNOW there's no global warming - nobody can pull the wool over their eyes!

    Nixon realized that he could attract this type of idiot to the republican party back in the 1960's - and he was right.  They love lies and Li'l Bush has been their greatest president.

  29. Al Gore only cares about one person and that is Al Gore. He is in this "movement" for the money.  While in office and being over the Gestapo EPA, he DID NOTHING about diesel fuel.  Europe already had the ultra low sulfur diesel which was very clean, and the USA had the dirty stuff.  NOW during the BUSH administration, this has been done. IF it were done while GORE was in office, we would not have ultra high diesel prices and problems with refineries.  Also it is rumored he ordered the bombing of that Pharmaceutical Factory in Sudan (Clinton was in the Monica hearings) to act like they were after Bin Laden. The Factory produced generic drugs not name brand. Gore's contributors were those drug companies that were name brand not generic. Wiping out this generic factory would force people to buy name brand drugs and putting them in the poor house. Source on that idea is LaRouche.  Then when Al Gore's son was convicted of drug possession, the sister picks him up in a Maserati. NOT a hybrid.  Maserati's get probably 12mpg in the city and pollute more.  Even Al drove a big Cadillac while making his movie.  What makes me mad is that he really does not practice what he preaches, but wants everyone else to suffer and be in the poor house.

  30. He is a lier profiting from scaring children.

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