
Why do people treat the other person like they are flawed humans, when they don't understand something? ?

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I am just wondering why this is. Like if someone disagrees or does not understand something... instead of saying 'I disagree' or 'in my opinion that is not the right way, but your opinion is equal to mine' or 'I don't understand that personally'.

Instead, when people are faced with something that they don't understand, they treat the person like they are weird, strange, incapable of knowing how to act appropriately (according to their standards), that they have never heard of such behavior, that something is wrong with the person in general...etc etc.

I have seen this alot in my lifetime and have wondered why that is. It is in churches, racial prejudices, and even in the workplace among co-workers. People don't cagoratgize the behavior or words that made them uncomfortable as something they didn't value... instead they assume that the whole person is flawed and thus not to be taken seriously. They tell them that they are not acting 'normal' when the person is not hurting anyone or doing anything to ruin their lives. Sort of like dehumanizing the person that makes them see values different than theirs or that does things that they don't understand.

Why is this?




  1. They're arrogant.

    Everyone perceives the world differently and thus doesn't have the same understanding.  

  2. Argumentum ad hominem - Latin for "argument against the man".  In ordinary English it should be translated "attack the person".  It occurs when someone attempts to refute a person's claim by attacking the person rather than the claim.

    I feel it is just a matter of some people can never allow themselves to be wrong - even when they feel they may be!

  3. It's easier to ridicule than to admit to not understanding something.

    I think it's wrong. how hard is it to simply say: "Wait what? explain that." You learn something new even if you don't agree with it.

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