
Why do people try to cross rail way tracks thinking they can beat pass the train?

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My friends recently recorded a video of them crossing through the train tracks in the middle of the night, they have no idea how dangerous that is, it could've killed them.




  1. Some people just aren't very bright, What these people don't realize is thatrains just CAN NOT stop on a dime. It takes most trains better than a mile and a half to come to a complete stop. And yet, there are still some people who get kicks from doing stupid stuff like that. And some of them just won't learn until it's way too late.

  2. Same thing goes for crossing the road (jaywalking). Or riding the Niagara falls in a barrel. Stupid as stupid does - can't do nothin' about it.

  3. I was on a visit to a panel box in Gloucester, UK recently and a train was due at the junction. The level crossing spanned 5 tracks and as the red lights came on, twitface ran from one side to the other, just making it before the barrier came down. I guess the signaller operating the console had seen it all before - he didn't turn a hair.

  4. most people do it becasue they are so impatient and do not want to wait for the train to go by.

  5. Because they are fools.If they ever saw a few pictures of what a train even traveling at a slow speed does to a car they would think twice.At high speed the results can be unbelievable.We had one once that so violent that the  stereo speaker magnets from the car door were stuck to the front of our engine.The only way you could tell it had been a vehicle was from the tires sticking out of the pile of scrap metal.There is still a memorial alongside our tracks where they died.It's a horrible helpless feeling when you hear that thump and know someone just died needlessly.


  7. It probably will next time.

    It's a dumb thing to do.

  8. Some (like your friends) are thrill seekers. But most it is because they are too impatient to wait.

  9. Try an internet search on "death wish," and an internet search on "learned helplessness."

  10. people take the risk just to avoid the delay of waiting for the train to pass by.  People just don't understand or believe that they could be crushed by a train.

  11. only when it's a steam train.steam trains are very slow.

  12. Ignorance.


    Do something dangerous long enough and, sooner or later, the odds are going to catch up with you.

    For example, Scott Kalitta was killed during NHRA Nitro Funny Car qualifying rounds this past Saturday.  Has made 1,000s of passes successfully, but, his luck ran out.  A sad thing...  but, if you choose to press the edge of the envelope, you had better be prepared to pay the price, whether strapped in a (330 mph, quarter mile under 4.8 seconds from standing start) nitro burning Funny Car or s******g around with trains.

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