
Why do people try to free tibet?

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no matter what you do china will never give up tibet Ever!!!! so why try??




  1. All peoples yearn to be free.

    Would you rather be a slave?

    It is better to do die free than live under a tyrant.

    Somebody might mention that to Putin, Pelosi, and Obama

    Liberty or death!

  2. because what china is doing in tibet is not right.but before say anymore i just want to let you know that i am a tibetan also, so trying to fight for my country has been in me all my life.

    people are trying to free tibet because what china is doin in tibet and what they are doing to the tibetans are not right. if you really want to know more just type in free tibet or tibet in google and look through the pages. or youtube it. also you can visit

    p.s i think you should know a little about tibet and then you might know why we try to free tibet.

  3. are you really asking a question? We try because, we can not let China keep committing crimes against humanity unchallenged. THAT'S WHY.

  4. my question is why do Buddhists want Tibet to be freed, because doesn't Buddhism advocate that suffering is an illusion and that to free ourselves from suffering we need only to elimate desire so that we can regard pleasure and pain with equanimity?  If this is so, then why do Buddhist monks in Tibet lash out against the government instead of trying instead of to overcome the illusion of suffering?

  5. This is what you call an argument?  China wants to maintain its brutal empire, and so because Chinese people don't care about Tibet no one else should either?

    The Chinese are imperialists.  They maintain conquered territories and they use settlers and military power to expand control over those conquered territories.  I know the Chinese don't care about anyone's national liberation except their own, but you cannot seriously expect the rest of the world to look on and smile.

  6. people like you thought slavery in america would never end, why try then too huh?

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