
Why do people turn right in the left hand lane at roundabouts?

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I have recently passed my driving test and was taught to only use the right hand lane to turn right at roundabouts ( unless that lane is blocked or road marking direct otherwise) .

I have found in my limited experience that a large amount of private hire taxis (unlicenced) use the left lane then swerve over to turn right.

Is this because they are correct? Or is it because they are unsure how to filter across lanes?





  1. It also depends on how many exits there are or if you have multi staggered exits on that roundabout. Basically the Highway code says, placing for a right hand turn should be from the right hand lane. Even if you are in the right hand lane never trust that others think you are in the right as far as this is concerned. As a new driver, if you feel making a manoeuvre on a roundabout puts you, or others in danger go round again, or take the closest safe exit and place yourself safely the next try. Once you have made a few trips your confidence will grow and you'll access the road for safe driving. The highway code was set out for safe rules of the road, however, bad habits are formed and it can't allow for those who break the rules so you will have to!

    Some roundabouts are very fast moving, you need to check your mirrors at all times, giving clear indication of the direction you are going in. What it comes down to is, be prepared for the fact people make up their own rules. Always be in the gear that gives you greatest control and remember, every other driver needs watching closely.

    Good luck to you Raj and happy and safe driving!


  2. It is just peoples simple lack of ignorance of the highway code and I used to be one of them until my daughter, who is taking lessons, came out with "Oh your doing that wrong dad". So being the dad i asked her to prove it and she showed me the highway code. WOW what an eye opener and you can be nicked for not knowing as ignorance is not an excuse in the eyes of the law.

    Although I do blame highways departments for some of the discrepancies at roundabouts. For example we have a roundabout in Lincoln (UK) which confuses the heck out of people as the road markings and road signs are too close to the roundabout. You are on it before you realise you are in the wrong lane. Even the locals get it wrong from time to time so I pity the drivers who don't know the area.

  3. Driving Should Be Fun Don't Think To Hard Just Enjoy It!

  4. No  its inorrect

    People do not respect the road for other road users

    How many people do you still see using phones when driving

    Some people cannot read road signs and make mistakes, and I blame a lot of this with SAT NAV and its confusing guidelines

    Taxi drivers, maybe use the right hand lane, when there is a queue of traffice when they have a fare

    But I would imagine, they are using the " give way to public service vehicles ?"  law I think its was paragraph 76 ? years ago

    Too many people are leving there journeys last minute, and are always in a rush to get there

    Thats how accidents happen

  5. A common cause of roundabout accidents.

    You are quite correct in suggesting they are incorrect - unlicenced - unqualified - and probably un-insured drivers, unused to driving in the UK.

    Which is why I don't drive any more.

    I got fed up with idiots in the incorrect lane - failing to signal correctly as to their next turn of direction - and the even bigger idiots, steaming up to roundabouts @ 60 mph - assuming all ahead of them knew where they were going, in the right lane - and signalling correctly.

    Proceed with caution.

  6. It is incorrect, dangerous and illegal.

    As is turning right from the left-hand lane at a roundabout.

    However, many people will happily put the lives of others at risk, simply in order to save themselves a few seconds on their own journey time.

    Sickening, isn't it?

  7. there's no lane discipline now, and total disregard towards other road users

  8. Only if you do not want to be going in perpetual is the only way to get out of a more than 1/2 way round turn about the circle if you start in the inside cannot lawfully change lanes in a circle as it would cause accidents for sure as your mirrors would fail you...

  9. this drives me mad!!! also people who drive straight across the roundabout completely oblivious that they are cutting people up. I'm glad someone else understands my annoyance

  10. Maybe the passanger is late giving directions?

  11. because they are republicans!

  12. Well, it has to do with the particular local customs.  Here in LA we have a lot of people who never come to a complete stop at a Stop Sign.  They just kinda slow down and roll through.  Its called a California Roll.

    In New York when coming out of a large parking lot onto a busy high way you can't always make a left turn.  So what you do is pretend to make a right turn then after traversing 4 or 5 feet to the right you make an immediate left back into the opposite direction.  Its called a New York Shuffle.

    Then there are the so called Berlin Jumping Trees.  When

    driving down a cobble stone street on a drizzly day at about

    60 clicks in old West Berlin,  this tree jumped right out into the middle of the street.  Well of course I had no time to stop and I totaled the

    vehicle.  But not to worry, I was thrown clear and suffered no


    So I wouldn't let it bother me about the people who do not use the correct lane at roundabouts.  If that's you're biggest problem you're doing good.  Very good.

    If you go to Paris, they have one rule:  Make sure you cut the other guy off!

    If you go to Manila, they also have one rule:  There are no rules when driving.

    In Australia if you want to take a friend down the road for a beer, the bar or tavern must be at least 150 miles away.

    Otherwise the beer will not taste good.

    I Cr 13;8a

  13. you cant turn right on a roundabout or you'd end up in the middle cos ur goin clockwise round the roundabout

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