
Why do people underestimate balance druids?

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I have a lvl 60 balance druid that kicks @$$....I pretty much dont have a problem beating other classes. but why is balance dissed so much?




  1. My minotaur is tougher than you lvl 60 balance druid, I don't get your question?

  2. Nobody needs a balance druid.  They need tanks and healers.  Duh.

  3. balance is only dissed when it comes to dungeons (and sometimes pvp)... since balance is damage specking but since druid is not a damage-oriented class, they aren't really good for dungeons (you cant off-tank or off-heal with a balance druid). they're best for solo and pretty much anything that is mostly good for only solo is dissed... it's just the way some people's minds work and yes it's quite annoying (like when i was a retribution spec paladin... everyone made fun of me until i whupped them)

  4. People fear what they do not understand.

  5. As long as your spell damage is decent, balance druids can hold their own in instances.  When the tank accidentally loses agro, glass canon mages will crumple where boomkin armor give the tank and healers time to prevent a disaster.

  6. I don't think people, really underestimate balance druids. Its just that they are really a no need for. true they do have good spells but not as good as a (mage, warlock, priests,etc) and groups would rather have a tank and a healer from a druid then balance. But if you like the balance spec then i guess its good for something

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