
Why do people use Darwinian Evolution rational for "survival of the fittest" amongst humans?

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This often justifies a "might makes right" type of mentality. Darwin strongly emphasised "survival of the fittest" in the "Origin of Species", but he is talking about lower life-forms. In his book "The Descent of Man", he strongly takes into account the complexity of humans on the evolutionary scale and stresses cooperation as a stronger element of human evolution than "survival of the fittest". That said, why do people insist on using Darwin to justify a "might makes right" mentality. I am guessing it's because this is what they want to believe, so they can justify their selfish and greedy ways.




  1. In nature, weaker members of any given species are naturally culled by virtue of their inability to "keep up with the herd".  This would apply to humans as well, except that the human species is supposed to be endowed with certain things such as empathy, understanding, compassion, reason, etc. Of course, these sorts of things must be nurtured from day one in order for the person to be COMPLETELY human (and maybe implies that "God" has something to do with this). Without these attributes, the human species would have no real purpose for they would certainly disrupt the natural order. In fact, it's already disrupted.

  2. First most people  do not understand what Darwin meant by 'survival of the fittest' What he meant was at a species level not an individual level. So by that definition cockroaches are fitter to survive than humans. They can survive extremes or environment, live on food that other species are unable to digest and their reproductive capacity is extraordinary.

      You are right about your mention of cooperation being a strong element in survival in humans. The problem is that those who use the 'might makes right' mentality  in relation to Darwin did not read his books or understand them.

    Your last line sums it up correctly. Next time someone uses Darwin to justify their actions ask if they have read his books and 99 times out of 100 they have not.

    Most who are quoting Darwin are cherry picking lines like many do from the bible. They take one line that they can twist to use to justify their own agenda.

  3. anyone who uses Darwin's theories to argue the ill-treatment of another human, is a moron who doesn't understand that survival of the fittest is not about the biggest and baddest winning. It's about how natural selection can create new species and evolution. On what level that means racism or cruelty can be justified, I don't know.

    I guess you're right- people warp these scientific theories to justify themselves.

  4. we arent that much smarter. we are animals too, with basic instincts and needs.

  5. Darwinism is one thing, human nature is another. The species of man is at the top of the food chain. What we do to each other in competition in mating and scholastic achievement is a whole new book.

  6. It's just a saying, get over it.  People aren't stupid, we all know what Darwinism really is.  Did you find your info on Google?

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