
Why do people use so much make-up?

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why do pretty people wear make-up?




  1. maybe they need to enhance what ever facial features they may have, such as eyes or high cheek bones.  some may just need the make-up because they're not so appealing without it.

  2. it's not that pretty people wear make them pretty....but a lot of people who wear their make up don't know how they look actually....they don't know their natural beauty...

  3. I think part of the reason pretty people and not pretty people wear makeup is to enhance their eyes, skin, etc.  Massive advertising has made wearing makeup the standard.

  4. Im not sure why this question is in preschool since it's obviously NOT about children.

    Why do people wear so much make up? because they're s****s.

    They want the attention.

    any classy girl goes for a natural look or a decent look...not flashy globs of make up.

  5. Why is this under preschool?

    And it is just a fashion. A bad one, but a fashion.

  6. I cant believe some of the answers to this question { one answer cause there s****s ] WTF?????? why are you people wasting your time on here ?????!!!!!!!!!????????? ANYWAYS  my answer is that we put clothes on everyday to cover our body some ppl are in the habit of covering there faces and if they where ever sat down and shown how much nicer it looks with less make-up and a more natural look they probably have never been taught      [just some ppl that get on here and make rude comments,have never been taught any different]

  7. because they think there ugly!

  8. because our mother's and society have come to expect us to put our face on everyday.

  9. so they can feel better, look prettier, cover something bad up, or just for fun, like during Halloween

  10. Because they think Make up will make them look prettier.

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