
Why do people use the excuse "God is in control" to do whatever they want? ?

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What I mean is *especially* religious folk' who go around polluting, wasting, carelessly contributing to global warming, etc... and then say things like, "It doesn't matter *what* I do because God is in control!"

Um...for one, God gave you a brain and freewill, so even though He is in control you can still pretty much do whatever you *choose* because that is His will.

In saying that--why do people still do this? Can't they open their eyes and see how this wonderful earth is quickly being destroyed because of our carelessness?




  1. It is always easier to point the finger outward and say it is your fault, not mine and if their is no-one else to blame it must be gods fault. The truth of the matter is we are all responsible for our actions/choices made to each event that comes our way. a really good site

  2. Specifically what "religious folk" is it you are referring to?

    polluting, wasting, carelessly contributing to global warming, etc... and then say things like, "It doesn't matter *what* I do because God is in control!">>>>

    I can't say I've ever heard any especially "religious folk" ever spout such nonsense.

    Clean under your own nails before you stick your finger in anyone else's eye...

  3. No matter how much you tell people, They're not going to stop polluting. We'll just have to be more strict with this situation.

  4. Yes, well, people in general are stupid.

  5. Many people claim to be religious, but they really aren't.  They use their religion t get away with things. For example, my father used to do terible things and then go to Catholic confession and he belived that God forgave him for all of his sins b/c he confessed them.  A true spiritual person would not do the terrible things in the first place b/c he/she would belive in kindness to mankind.  Many religions are barbaric and practice harming their fellow man, and etc.  That's why people like me are turned off by religion and live a good life treating everything and everyone around me with love and respect (as best I can!).  

  6. Good point. Freewill.

  7. Because people don't want to think that they're the cause of all this damage. No one wants to take responsibility, they just want to point their fingers at someone else. It's easier for them. But sad for us.

  8. I never heard a relligious person say that, but I have heard non-religious people say I can do whatever I want because there is no God.  Now isn't that amazing how we hear different things.

  9. I agree. I think he gave us thinking ability so we wouldn't destroy the world. (._.')  

  10. Why do you think God was invented in the first place?

    It give absolute and indestructible authority for those in power (ie, with the will of God) to control the rest of society.

    Government by agreement = Democracy

    Government by authority = Tyranny

    Which would you prefer?  

  11. They are diametrically opposed to people who constantly use the "God gave us free will..." card.

    (Their reason for doing whatever the heck they want)

  12. That's kind of a stupid observation.  Sorry, but it is.

    God is in control - but I don't go around doing all that kind of stuff shouting "God is control" as I toss a beer can out the window.

    Blame it all on knowledge if you want to get to the true source of the problem.  If it wasn't for it - we wouldn't have all this stuff to be doing all this stuff....

  13. I don't know of any like that, but they are the same type of people as any other group that polutes and whatever.

    People who behave that way, regardless of their background, try to find some way to justify it.  "religious" ones use God as their excuse.  Which is funny, since God commands us to take care of what we are given by Him.  We are supposed to take care fo the earth.

    But an Atheist who behaves in such a maner would find some other irresponsible justification for their behavior.  Everyone else is doing it.  It's biogradable.  Or whatever.

    So "god is in control" is a dumb excuse for poluting.  But so is any other reason to polute.

  14. Precisely....whatever God is, he's put us here to see how we do, and whether we can live our lives properly.

    People who use that reasoning are failing his test.

  15. Don't tell me that you haven't noticed especially religious folk aren't completely there mentally.

  16. We are the cause and effect of one another, in every way!  We waste, we discriminate, we criticize, we complain, etc.etc, etc...  

    It's all 'negative'!  Negative breeds more of the same!  

    And just like the 'Energizer Bunny'; it keeps going, and going, and...

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