Someone's avatar got me thinking about this. A couple weeks ago I was driving down the road and this lady behind me was riding my butt ( I was going 5 miles over the speed limit) and as soon as she got the chance, she passed me in a NO passing zone and as she got in front of me I noticed she had a "baby on board" sign in the back window. I was thinking, what is the point of that sign when you yourself drive like a maniac, is that to let everyone know what an idiot parent you are? LOL
I mea seriously thoug why do people use those signs? Do they think people will be more careful around them if they know they have a child on board? Like they are more important then any other driver on the road so you should really be careful around them? Isn't that like a call out to predators who might be looking for a child to kidnap..."hey look here! look at us, we have a child right here for you!" LOL
What do you think? Are these signs really necessesary and do they really make any difference?
It's kind of like the bumper stickers that say "back off I don't like tailgaters" yet you have to be right up on their rear to even be able to read the thing LOL