
Why do people use the stall next to yours in the bathroom?

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Have you ever noticed that when you use a bathroom in a shopping mall, even if it has like 6 or 7 stalls, someone always comes in and goes into the one next to yours? Even though there may be 2 or 3 empty stalls further away. And now you have to hold all the noise in and try and sit it out until they leave... and it does become very quiet.




  1. Usually public restrooms are gross, so we want to spend as little time in there as possible. That means using the first stall you see that is open, has toilet paper, and isn't flooded, which may be the one next to you. It's your own problem if you feel like you must hold in everything until they leave. Just let it all out; do you judge people if you hear their BMs in the bathroom? Do you care about what random people think about your toilet usage?

  2. Ugh, I hate that.  I can't stand going to the bathroom that close to someone else (and them going at the same time).  If there are no other stalls available then fine, but if there are 5 other options for you....use them.  It's disgusting to have a stranger do their business 10 inches away from you...whether you can see them or not.  And if there's noises involved, forget it....

  3. Have a good f**t and forget about it

  4. i try and flush and then make my own noise. it's their fault for getting near, so the smellier the better!

  5. Why are you so embarrassed by a natural act? When I first joined the service the Heads (Latrines for all you Army people) had many commodes but all were in a row and no stalls. Why worry about what someone who can't see you and doesn't know you is thinking. Get on with your business and leave when you're through.

  6. i think those people are perverts and sit close on purpose.

  7. THAT IS SO doesn't happen to me that way.  It is a great point, would think that even though it is a public restroom, a little more space between you would provide a LITTLE  more privacy.  I guess some people just don't care....

    Jan Brady

  8. The idea of not offending someone in a toilet is not an issue. Admittedly it is not precisely pleasant to hear someone next door at their work, but if they are going to sit near me, they just may hear a concert.

    I think some people either don't think about such things and go to the next open door, or perhaps want to cause concern to others next to them. If nothing else it is a matter of birds roosting close together or some more primitive thing.

    Next time, let things rip. If sensitive they will move as soon as they can.

  9. they have to go, and what ever is closest is there.

  10. i dont really worry about offending anyone.  im  there to do my business, and so are they.  they are old enough to understand what its about.  if they have a problem with it, then they should hold it until they get home.

  11. In case the trap has a glory hole.

  12. Just watch out for those tapping toes..........

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