
Why do people use the term "Quarter of a million dollars"?

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it is far from a million (3/4 short)?? how does this expression become popular?




  1. cause its easier to say quarter of a million then two hundred and fifty thausand dollars.  just like when your talking about time

  2. Because $250,000 is indeed 1/4 of $1 Million dollars. Saying a Quarter million sounds weightier, and easier to say and write than two hundred and fifty thousand dollars.

  3. Because it is a quarter of a million.

  4. The expression is used whenever the speaker is trying to impress the audience with the most impact e.g., "a quarter million" sounds more impressive and substantial than a paltry 250 thousand.. Also the way the human mind is conditioned its easier to wrap our minds around 1 very large concept like "a quarter mill" than many, many smaller things like 250,000,000 pennies...

  5. It makes it sounds like a lot more than it really this..what sounds better?? I'll give you 5 dollars, OR I'll give you 5 hundred pennies???

  6. The same reason people use "quarter past the hour", "quarter cup of flour" and other similar things...

    It's an english thing.  And it's a little more elegant and easy than saying Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars.

  7. Probably because it sounds better than "two hundred and fifty thousand dollars".  Which would you rather have, a quarter or twenty-five pennies?

    May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you.

  8. I think that it gives the number more importance when said as a quarter of a million dollars as apposed to $250,000.00. Some times you want it to sound like a lot. (i.e. I make a quarter of a million dollars a year.)

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