
Why do people use this forum to ask questions they have about what their Dr. said?

by  |  earlier

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I don't understand how they can ask these really random questions, full of concern, when they just got back from their doctor's office. Especially when it comes to pregnancy. Usually they sound so concerned too, or it's a very serious condition they have. Yet they sit on the computer and ask these questions that shouldn't be answered by people on here. I don't get it. Any thoughts?




  1. The same reason they ask us about things that their doctor or pharmacist would have said if they'd asked the obvious questions while they were in his or her presence, instead of waiting and asking a bunch of strangers who have no clue. Or when they're trying to self-diagnose something that sounds serious, they want to know what our doctor would say.  

  2. I have seen a lot of such questions in "Injuries" having had a crushed leg that was in a cast for a while and finally removed, and answered but recommended that they talk to a medical professional.  Looking back on my history knowing what some are going through, it appears like they just want to talk about it and use wishful thinking to forget about their injury(s).  It is helpful to be able to discuss a situation to feel better about it.

  3. becasue most of the people on here are like, 12, and they are too scared to tell thier parents they are having s*x. So, instead, thay'd rather wait for us to tell them what to do and risk being more sick then they were to begin with. And so, the end result is more kids having kids, destroyng the future for other kids.

    Hope that answers the queation.


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