
Why do people usually adopt chinese babies?

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Why do people usually adopt chinese babies?




  1. It's easier and less expensive if you adopt from another country. In the US, the laws are very strict and you would have people watching your every move. Stopping by to see if your house is clean, going to your job and asking about your personality and everything else to violate all aspects of your life. In China and other countries, you pay $35,000 and go to get your child. The do checks also, but not as invasive as here in the States. It would also cost around $50-$100,000 here. My friends are actually adopting as we speak, so this is  where I am getting my info.

  2. people in this country want babies and the chinese have lots and few restrictions on adoption

  3. because they feel bad that there parents do not what them.

    And mabye they are cute.

  4. I have two answers. 1.) They feel bad that if it is a girl even today people abandon them if it isn't what they wanted or if they have more then one child already.

    2.) They adopt them so they can become sumo wrestlers and Make them tons of money.

  5. because that is the most popular and most people want girls and the chinese only offers girls. why are you asking this anyways??

  6. there are many reason why people adopt Asian babies

    1)there easier to adopt

    2)there are many children in place like china that need parents as there is a rule of only been aloud to children per couple

    3)the orphanages in china are full of children mainly girls and the Chinese people want to see the children live some place that they will be loved rather an orphanage

  7. it is sad to say but it is cheaper to adopt out side of the US than inside the US and less rules to follow and more children because of the two child law over their.

  8. There can be many reasons as to why. Some don't want children of their own or can't, or feel sorry for them especially girls.

    See the chinese it the biggest population of the world and has respect more for the male gender. They kill or dispose of a girl if a family has more than one child. So instead of killing them they just get money from people willing to adopt.

  9. That is a total myth. By and large the vast majority of children adopted in the US every year are DOMESTIC adoptions (that info is courtesy of the US Census). It may seem as if more children come from international adoption programs such as China, but that is simply because you can see the difference (ie white parents, asian kid). In many domestic adoptions the parents and child are the same race, and a stranger would never know. When my daughter announced our adoption of her brother to her class, we were surprised to learn that a few other kids in the class were also adopted. They were all domestic adoptions and we would have never known without being told. On the other hand, people know the second they look at our family because of the difference in skin color.

    China is NOT cheaper, and certainly NOT faster to adopt from than the US. The requirements are just as strict for someone adopting internationally as they are for someone adopting domestically... you go through the same inspections, same visits, same fingerprinting and background checks. Those things are regulated by the US government regardless of where the child comes from. In addition, China now (as of May '07) has some of the strictest requirements of ANY adoption program, including US adoptions and they are predicting the wait for one child will stretch into 3 years.

    I am sick of people perpetuating the myths that are seen in the answers to this question... that people adopt internationally to avoid scrutiny, pay less money, get kids faster, etc, etc. None of this is true. In my case I adopted internationally (not from China) because that's where my son was. I can't explain it, I just KNEW he was there. Many adoptive parents I know (both domestic and international) had similiar instincts about their child. I think certain parents are just made to parent certain kids and sometimes that love crosses over borders.

  10. It's easier adoption in China than in the states.

    And there are so many babies that are available over there

    they are mostly baby girls, china frowns on too many girls being born into a family so they give them away.Very sad.

  11. I know that more babies are given away for adoption in China because of the male driven culture but I don't know why people don't adopt from our country first.  I know it sounds harsh but I think that we should take care of our own country before we look into others.

  12. its cheeper

  13. Because it is the easiest country to adopt from.  Most places you have to jump thru hoops and shell out a lot of money ... takes forever.

    It's like China can't wait to give away their little girls.

  14. Because they're cute and growing extinct LOL....Seriously that's a good question, any answer u get is bogus . I heard that they still kill the girl babies in some regions.

  15. Many children are up for adoption in China, so it's easier, I guess.

  16. Asian. They do this because it is easier to adopt them.

  17. I heard that there are a lot of them & the Chinese make it easy for people to adopt them.  Not a lot of waiting time & red tape.....

  18. there ching chonging  

    good qwestion its a weird trend

  19. Every family who has adopted from China has their own personal reasons for doing so.

    Many people are drawn to the well established, well executed, no surprise system. You do X, Y and Z and you will have a baby in approximately X months.

    Others are drawn to the fact that there is only one trip required. Many countries require two trips which is difficult to do. You travel to the country meet your child then leave him or her behind for a few months then travel again to bring him or her home.

    Others feel that they have been lead there by their life experiences. Some people have traveled to China and fell in love with the country and its people. The Chinese people truly are some of the nicest people on earth and despite what people think they love their children even the girls. I have never seen so many people openly fawn over my daughter as I did in China.

    Others have found their children on waiting child lists where agency's are entrusted with the files of specific children who have medical needs that need to be addressed.

    Others have one or more biological boys and specifically want a girl to balance out their family and there are plenty of girls available in the orphanages of China.

    Others still watched the BBC special 10 plus years ago called the Dying Room and wanted to spare at least one child that same fate.

    There are as many reasons for people adopting from China as there are people who adopt from China.  

    The list goes on and on and each person you ask will give you a different answer.

    The number one reason is that that is where there daughter/son lived.

  20. American babies are hard to adopt, because of a shortage of adoptable babies. It seems more young women abort their babies than give them up for adoption. There are currently about 2 million couples waiting to adopt a baby, any baby.  This leaves many of them desperate, so they turn to other countries for possibilities. Russian children are the most expensive, while Chinese and Vietnamese are the least expensive. Also, there is a surplus of Chinese girls, since the Chinese are only allowed to have one child, most couples there choose to keep boys. Girls are either aborted or sent to state orphanages.

    I think it's really a blessing for these children, because if their country and their government don't want them, there's always an American family who would be happy to raise them in affluence and provide freedom and a good education for them that they would never receive in their own country. In their own country, they would likely be sold into the child prostitution market.

  21. theres so many! all the chinese and mandrin babies that are put up are female cause the country wants more men!

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