
Why do people vote for someone they can relate to?

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I think its one of the stupidest things about this country. People who vote for other people because they can relate to them! I can't relate to any of the canidates. I was never in the military, and I never was a community organizer and harvard graduate. Plus, I don't want to vote for someone I can relate to. I want to vote for someone who's much smarter than I could ever be. I don't want my president just as stupid as I am! And what I hear the most is that barack is an eletest, well so what! I want someone who is an eletest, not an underachiever who doesn't have confidence in himself. Am I crazie for believing this? Mabie if america voted for people who could actually do the job, instead of people you would have a beer with we wouldn't have these kinds of problems.




  1. I feel that I am already confident and intelligent, and I want someone who shares my beliefs on what I know would be for the betterment of the people in this country.


  2. Do you read every article by Jamie Lee Curtis, or just this one?  (I read it too and it was a good article)

    People do this because its how we're mentally made up.  We're attracted to like individuals and the more common ground you can find the better.

    In sales, this is called "building relationships" its the same principle.

  3. Spell check is your friend.  

  4. McCain and Obamba are both very intelligent and elitists so you could chose either of them. Obamba is much too liberal for anyone who calls himself a Republican to vote for. He  has associated with terrorists, communists, anti-America haters, and extremists all his life. He is a product of the corrupt Chicago Democrat machine, and he is just much too radical for the average American, but the liberal MSM is doing its best to hide those facts.

    McCain has his flaws, but you know that he will put country before his ambition.


    By Cliff Kincaid August 16, 2008

    Obamas Radical Roots And Rules

    By INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY | Thursday, August 14, 2008

  5. You should vote for whomever you think represents you.  Some people think this means they must have things in common with them, but that is a silly notion.  You really need to support whoever is going to push for policies that you support.

  6. Beats me.  I agree with you.  The thought that I could run the U.S. better than our current president scares the **** out of me.

  7. Saucy you nailed this one. relating to is one of those cammo terms for intolerance, humans are by nature herd animals and need to be told what to do, belonging to a political party is just that. look at all the monster world leaders in human history like Hitler, Mussolini they could not have done what they did without followers who were convinced that they "related" to this leader.

  8. I think you made a mistake.  Being smart has nothing to do with being president, ask Bush.  Instead being president has to do with being able to effectively organize, ponder, and offer solutions to the problems of an entire country.  And since these problems are often so vast and so difficult to address, it would make even the smartest people scratch their heads.  Being smart is nothing if you cannot apply certain techniques to get things done.  It just takes a little bit of risk taking, confidence in a particular position, understanding of the issues at hand, and a kind of empathy to understand the finer things that are not often possible to calculate like a math problem.  Those are qualities needed for a president my friend.  The substance is in those things not in a resume and certainly not in experience.  

  9. nobody smart, would even want that job, that's why they dont run

  10. i vote for the person who will represent my views the best.  that usually works out best if they actually share a majority of my views and have several similar experiences that reinforce those views, which is basically the definition of relate.

  11. Elitist as in "ruling rich elites" or someone who panders to them, or someone who identifies with a small minority of people who feel they are above others, is what was meant of Obama. That should concern you. You want someone who identifies with the people and not with just a handful of elitist who don't want you to have any rights or democracy. Sure you'd like the candidate to be intelligent, but is Obama intelligent when he has to read a script constantly from teleprompters on both sides of him, and then stammers when he doesn't have them?

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