
Why do people wait in line for so long for things like the iphone, ps3 etc.?

by Guest67079  |  earlier

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I understand that people may want these things including me but why on earth would you stand in line for hours or even days to get these things right away when you could wait another day or 2 and not have to wait in lines for hours and hours and hours.

To me it is just insane, so what you can have a iphone or madden or whatever 1 day before your friend, is it actually worth camping out in front of the store?

I just don't understand it.

please share your opinions.




  1. I think you're right people want to brag about how they were one of the very first people to get whatever it is.. Or they're just so obsessed that they can't wait an extra day.

    You know whats crazy though is I've heard of people getting stabbed when they wait in line for stuff like that.

    Not worth it to me lol..

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