
Why do people want Yahoo sold to Microsoft?

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Why are billionaires and stockholders trying to get Yahoo sold to Microsoft? One billionaire in particular has spent over a billion dollars on buying up Yahoo so he may gain more control.

Don't know of a link to paste.

What do you think will happen to Yahoo?




  1. Microsoft withdrew the offer, and Yahoo stockholders are pissed at the CEO of Yahoo for not accepting $33 per share. YHOO closed Friday at $27.66.

  2. im not sure, but im getting fux outta here if they buy em.

  3. Microsoft (MSN) and Yahoo make up a very significant portion of open search Internet activity, but nothing close to Google.  If Microsoft does buy Yahoo - it will be like all of those cell phone company mergers a few years ago.

    This opportunity to be such a major player would increase the corporate value of legacy Yahoo by as much as 20%.

    However, if MSN and Yahoo make a play like this, it would only make 'cents' for Google to purchase either a major cable, LD carrier, or cellular company.

  4. It's the only thing that can scare Google even though it really shouldn't since they have more than the combined market share of the #2 search engine (Yahoo) and #3 search engine (Microsoft).  But Microsoft has the ability to put some serious $$ into Yahoo and use its name brand, better email and IM services among other Yahoo strengths to be a formidable foe to Google's dominance.  I still think Google will win a combined Microsoft-Yahoo merger easily though.  Now some rich billionaire is trying to buy Yahoo because he is upset at how Yahoo reacted to Microsoft.  Unbelievable!   I think his name is Icahn or something.  He is SO going to fail since all Yahoo has to do is release their "poison pill."  It's amazing how incredibly rich people waste so much money on trivial matters like that instead of invest in something like children's leukemia or something USEFUL.  What was I talking about again?  I think I veered off target...

  5. Some Yahoo stockholders figure that the price Microsoft would pay is the best price they'll get for their stock, so they want to sell to Microsoft.  But since Microsoft has backed out of the deal, getting it back in won't be so easy.  A nasty proxy contest with Carl Icahn, to be followed by the prospect of working for Microsoft, could cause a lot of crucial Yahoo employees to bolt.  That would make Yahoo less valuable to Microsoft, and it might not pay the price that Icahn wants.  So things could get messier than they already are.

  6. If Microsoft bought them, then Yahoo Answers might get better customer service as far as answers to appeals and people actually LISTENING to the customers, instead of machine generated emails on reports and suspensions and deletions of questions and answers.

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