
Why do people want it to be a 'surprise' when the baby comes?

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Like not knowing if it is a girl or boy?

I've seen many people do this and just wondering why they don't want to know.

I mean; I'm 17 (Not having a baby anytime soon thank you!) and if i were having a child i would want to know what s*x it was to set up the baby's room and stuff.

I have nothing against it, I'm just curious. :]




  1. i wanted to find out the s*x with both of mine, so i could buy cute clothes, not just cream stuff, with my second i needed to know, so i knew whether to keep or sell my DD clothes. i didn't want a surprise, i wanted to prepare.

  2. I agree with you. I wanted to know my son's gender but many people like to be surprised later than sooner.

    I was surprised when i was 19wks pregnant Dr told me it was a boy!

    In the end, we are all surprised.. So yeah i don't see the point either

  3. Here's a different question for you:

    Given that the American Academy of Obstetricians and Gynecologists has said that ultrasound should not be part of routine prenatal care, that no medical procedure is without potential risks, and that routine use of ultrasound at best doesn't improve outcomes -how would you know if you are having a boy or a girl?

    Would you have an expensive, pointless, and potentially dangerous medical procedure just to find out?  Undertake the risks of a false-positive for some defect and all the stress and testing that go with that just so you can pick paint colour for a room baby may never even sleep in?

  4. Because it's the greatest surprise you could ever imagine.

    The baby will not care what color the walls are when you bring it home.

  5. When I was pregnant with my first I couldnt understand this either because i didnt know how much or how little would have to be prepared for the arrival also I thought the anticipation would kill me! but as soon as I had my son, I wish it would have been a surprise because it would make that moment just that much more special, next one im not going to find out because I dont want to have my mind set on one s*x or the other, so either way i'll just be happy they are here!

  6. I *had* to know what the s*x of my baby was when I was pregnant. It would have drove me crazy....LOL. When my next child comes, I'll also find out the s*x.

    However, my husband and I have talked about it, and we have decided that our third (and final) baby will be a surprise. Because I also think it would marvelous to find out if it was a boy or girl in the delivery room....

  7. because surprises are fun.  there's plenty of time to set the baby's room after the baby.  

  8. Think of Christmas.  You know you are getting something--just not what it is.  The anticipation is the best part for some people.  I may not find out if I have another; I did with my first two.  I think it might be fun to be surprised!

  9. My question is why do you want to ruin the surprise?

    When you do get pregnant you will go through this conflict where you cant decide if you want to find out or not.  

  10. I am not sure why people dont want to find out, I am pregnant with my first and couldnt wait to find out, plus now a days all clothes and everything for babys room is so gender specific its hard not to know

  11. I didn't want to know.

    I liked not knowing, it made it a little more exciting the day he was born (don't get me wrong, it would have been exciting even if I did know). I believe that there a so few surprises left in life, why not keep this one a surprise? When I was born (1983), they didn't even do a sonogram to tell my mom what I was.

    When I was in college, the Teacher's Assistant didn't want to find out what she was having either. Her reason was "I want to have another really good reason that will make me push this baby out!"

    In my opinion, it's exciting not knowing. It brought the biggest smile to my face when my dr said "It looks like we have a Gavin." (he asked me what names I picked out, I guess to say that when he took the baby out,{had a c-section but not by choice}).

    Edit: To ***mummys little monkeys***   I was surprised AND prepared for my son. There are PLENTY of things to buy that are gender neutral. I had TONS of clothes and everything for my son even though I didn't know what he was going to be. So it IS possible to be surprised AND prepared.

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