
Why do people want to attack and make up lies about Barack Obama?

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Claiming he's a muslim and all of these other lies??? Calling him a socialist communist??????? Do people not realize that the difference between communism and democracy is that a democracy is a government ran by the people, for the people??? That Obama is not a communist, rather, he just simply wants to improve quality of life for the people of the United States??? I mean, Why are we the only western civilized country which does NOT provide healthcare to the people??? France does, England does!!!!!! Further, why do we have the highest crime rates in the world??? Why do we have more people incarcerated than any other country in the world??? Could it be because people often times turn to crime in desperation??? Most other countries take care of their people. Have you forgotten that the government was created to serve us????? Do the republicans make up lies and smears because they are absolutely desperate????????




  1. As for muslim, who knows?  I doubt he's muslim.  Communist and/or socialist?  Yep, he is.  When a person expects the government to "take care of the people" instead of the people being responsible for themselves, that person is a socialist.  I personally don't need or want the government to "take care" of me.  I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself and have been for a long time now.  I also take care of my own children, at MY expense, not the expense of my neighbors.

  2. I gotta tell yall I have googled Sen Obama and he is a civil rights lawyer with connections to gun control and he has been known to take money from overseas and loans from non-kosher sources. Ain't we all been scammed by those easy money quick cash crooks? Yet I see something in Obama special for our country. Maybe we ought to make the Government work for us for a while instead of always working to pay the Government and never expecting a handout. Hay it aint a handout if you have put into the system all your life. I worked hard all my life from payday to payday. 2 weeks ago I had to go to emergency room. My bill was 29 dollars for the medicine which helped and i am forever greatfull. But my emergency room bill was 1300 dollars. 800 for services and 700 for Xray. I am glad they took me in. I sat in a wheel chair for 5 hours before seeing the doctor. I wonder if they may have speeded up if I would have had insurance?

  3. First off he was a Muslim so that's not lie. Don't get me wrong I like him but he was a Muslim and as a Catholic I don't judge people by their religion. America unfortunately ISN'T a democracy. We are a representative republic. A democracy is where everyone votes on every issue in that country. And we only vote for the leaders who make the decisions. And for that matter our vote really doesn't make a difference because when we vote we vote for the delegates and they can vote for anyone they want so even if they should vote the way the people voted they don't have to. And you know why America is so screwed up it because of Bush its his fault and the fault of every other politic an in Washington. I don't know if Obama will make a difference I like him but for all I know he could be just like Bush if we elect him. America needs a complete 360 degree flip.

  4. because he is a terrorist!

    im afraid for the future of this country if he is president.

  5. The government of the United States is not what makes this country great. It is the people. The American people are a composite of the world, bringing unique qualities and cultures to meld in the pot of this, the greatest experiment that the world has even known in terms of diversity. It is the strength of the people that makes America strong, economically and militarily, not the government. When the government invades those who have worked hard through taxation, not only does it remove the incentive for people to be the best that they can be, it causes those who have already invested time and effort into becoming self-sufficient from re-investing in industry; for industry doesn't offer the same return on investment as other options. Frankly put, if the government seizes money to give to those who either don't know how, or worse - refuse - to get in the game, it is not only the lost potential of what they might have become that is lost, but the generation ( their kids) who follows them into dependency. Health care is available to all in the United States. Walk into any hospital in America, and you will be treated, despite the disinformation that exists, or whether or not you are a citizen. The government is not here to serve us, even though some would have it replace mothers and fathers in the scheme of things. Take a look at European health care, by the way, and note that for those to whom it is available, American medical care is sought out. Wonder why that is?

  6. "Have you forgotten that the government was created to serve us?????" This is not true. The government was created to protect our freedoms, nothing more. The preamble to the Constitution says "promote the general welfare," not provide for it.

    Also, I agree, Obama is not a Communist, he is a Democratic Socialist. He does not want to spark a revolution to achieve his ends, but rather use our democracy as a means to achieving them. (notice the first sponsor's link)

  7. His agenda is indeed socialistic. If you can't see that, you need to gain a better understanding of just what constitutes socialism. If the attempt is made to integrate his proposed policies, our country will cease to exist in its current state. By that i don't mean our situation will improve. Far from it. He advocates a level of taxation that will reduce all of us to paupers and destroy what little good remains of our economy.

    Try to comprehend just what you're talking about before you begin condemning Obama's critics. What they're saying is based in reality, not platitudes about "hope" and "change".

  8. He's a threat. It's respect.

  9. Because hes black and some people are freaks out there.

  10. it may be because his is black or the things he believes in but it doesn't matter if he wears and american flag pin of not its the big democratic, presidental stuff.I like him because the thins he'll do.    your welcome

  11. The reason why is because he is a different race than the other past presidents. They think that he will do something more tragic than 9/11.

  12. Barack is a lot of things: he's a good speaker, He's a good father and generally a good man. However, his politics need to also be looked at for what they are: He's a socialist and will put the interests of the world ahead of our own, he will raise our taxes and de-fang out military with budget cuts and ignorance. He will put the interests of the blacks and other minorities in front of the majorities for jobs, schools and social serves . He will let in and then make illegals citizens just for their votes. Look very closely at his guy, there is more to him than his campaign rhetoric. He like Jimmy Carter sounds good put he will govern from the far left wing of the democratic party to try and bring down this great country with redistribution of wealth and other means.

  13. Answered in your other question.

  14. Honestly, its because he's a black man running for president in a country that claims to be "Equal" but can't stand to see someone other than a white person possibly running the country. Have you've noticed, every single time they mention Baracks' name they state his ethnicity? For the record, Barack is a Muslim man or has Muslim teachings, as am I. Hope's this helps.

  15. Because they are desperate to see him lose the elections. They consist mostly of fools , liars, religious fanatics, war profiteers, and capitalists. Not enough of them to defeat Obama, because the people have finally gotten hip to Bush and his Axis of Evil, and they are tired.

  16. I do not have an answer for that, but i stay away from politics because there is too much drama there

  17. some people think he is not an american citizen and he is black

  18. Because he is a made-up person like Vanilla Ice.  Just a fabrication by the media.

  19. I think that people fear what they don't know.

    We don't know a great deal about Barack and so that leaves so many questions unanswered.

    The blanks will be filled in shortly, though.

  20. People do it because they're either scared that he's black and don't trust him. They don't agree with his policies and slander is one of the best ways to ruin a campaign.

  21. What you have mentioned about Obama are NOT lies. Those who claim that they ARE lies are liars themselves.

  22. Because the republicans have no positives to hang their hats on for the last eight years, on disasters.  They have to revert to hate and lies hoping to confuse the people that doens't have the intelligence to research their propraganda.

  23. You simply don't have a clue about how to write a sentence.

  24. I have rebuked people for saying he is Muslim. A socialist, yes... communist, not so sure, but he is for sure got some Marxist leanings.

    My concerns with Obama have nothing to do with the lies being told. My concerns are his credibility. His associates are questionable at best.( Bill Ayers, Tony Resco, and yes Jeremiah Wright) He has no experience.

    Two terms in the Illinois legislature is nothing. He was elected to one term as a Senator in an election that he had no competition. The republican he was origianlly running against was forced out in a scandal and Republicans moved Alan Keyes to Illinois to go against him with no momentum at all. It was a caked walk.

    And as soon as he got in to the Senate he announced he was running for President.

    His only solution is to raise taxes on everything.

    And why would you want the same government that bankrupted Social Security to run your health care system? Makes no sense to me at all.

    The lies aren't hurting Obama, the truths are.

  25. because bad news is beter then no use.

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